No laptop for me

I am at the in-laws house and using a laptop with a wireless link to the DSL hub. OMFG, this is sweet. I can walk around with the computer and surf the web simultaneously.

Currently, I am lying on my back in bed typing while chatting with my wife in the bathroom. Ecstasy.

I cannot be allowed to buy a laptop and hook up 802.11 in my house. I would never be off the net…

Book consumption

OK, Newspro is updated and I am good to go.

I have been considering new blogging software, but have no firm opinion yet. Movable Type looks interesting, but more research is order. My brother uses Blogger Pro on his blog and loves it. But I dunno. Running the weblog through a third party site is a little risky for my tastes. If anyone has an opinion, let me know.

Before the road trip I finished Sleeping Dogs. I liked it as much as Butcher’s Boy. It is strange to be rooting for the hitman to get away in the novel. He is a stone cold killer, yet Perry makes him the protaganist.

In the condo we were staying at was a few shelves of crime/mystery novels. I picked up Maximum Bob by Elmore Leonard. I finished the book in a day (what else am I supposed to do while the wife is at the quilt show?). Leonard is a master of characters and dialogue, but in this novel he just didn’t end it well. The pace and intertwining stories all kept me pulling through the novel, but the end was curt, unexpected, and left many loose threads untied.

Am I at the end of my reading binge? I dunno, I have another plane ride on Monday… The new Jedi Knight game arrives Tuesday or Wednesday, so I will be preoccupied soon enough.


At first it looked like I wasn’t going to get into the Burn Baby Burn CD swap, but now I am!

Even though my loathsome brother tried to kill my participation, I managed to get involved anyway. Muah-ha-ha-ha…

Once I get home I can start pouring through my CD collection to find appropriate songs for the compilation.

Santa Fe

I’m in Santa Fe. I’m working off a sweet 24,000 baud modem connection. I miss broadband.

Well, the trip started off well.

Michele and I hopped into the Super Shuttle at 9AM and headed toward Burbank Airport. We get in line for the Skycap check-in and bask in the sun. When the guy takes our itineray, he says, “You flight is out of LAX, not Burbank…” Michele gets that ‘I’m fucking pissed’ look on her face and we head inside to the counter.

The Southwest people reticket us to leave from Burbank and after a cool $100 fix it fee, we are on our way. Michele starts to blame ME for the mishap. Supposedly, it’s my job to check the tickets and realize that her telling me we are leaving from Burbank is wrong. I respond that she bought the tickets, not me, and she should know.

We get to the bar and both have a double Jack Daniels shot with a Coke back. The warm fire fills our bellies and we hop on the plane.

After a brief stop in Phoenix, we get to Albuquerque, rent a car and drive to Santa Fe. New Mexico looks dry and dusty. It’s not hot, but I can’t imagine it in the summer. I’m sure that the Sun will melt you.

We meet up at the quilting convention with Michele’s friends and I get to enjoy the banquet. When the lights went down for the slideshow, I snuck out to a hallway and read my book.

Things not to do: Attempt to load a Fark page over a modem connection. It’s been loading the page for about 45 minutes now…

The Journey Begins

Well, in a short 21 minutes we get picked up for our jaunt accross the US, well, most of it.

Michele & I are going to be driving a U-Haul from Santa Fe, New Mexico to Cincinnati, Ohio. Why? It’s a quilting thing, you just wouldn’t understand.

I’ll try to update from the road…