Michele bought me a new aftershave. She proudly explained how it had no alcohol in it.
How can aftershave not have alcohol in it? Without alcohol, where is that sting and instant wake up in the morning? Who need coffee when you slap on some Aqua Velva!
Michele says I smell nice. I’ll never understand women.
Enterprise in the hizzou
Last night I watched the season premiere of Enterprise. It was great.
For those not following, at the end of last season, the Earth was attacked by an alien probe and 7 million people were killed. Enterprise was recalled and told to go out and find the people responsible (the Xindi). They added a team of Starfleet commandos, new weapons, and a bad-ass attitude.
This week they finally got to the ooo-scary Delphic Expanse, and started on the hunt. I liked it. Why?
1) Opening music better. (Hard to believe, I know)
2) Aliens that were not humans with plastic on their forehead.
3) Vulcan hottie outfit
4) Archer acting like Kirk instead of Janeway
5) Firefight with women commando kung-fu action
6) Floxx manipulating everyone
8) No simple answers
9) ‘Distortion field’ craziness
10) The alien boss sucking on gas. I kept expecting him to say “‘Heineken’? Fuck that shit! ‘Pabst Blue Ribbon’! ”
11) Lastly, and most importantly, NO ETHICAL DILEMMAS
Give it a watch. I’ve still got the premiere on Tivo if you need it.
Just a little taste for you more visual types…
Take a look at this post over at Sea Doc.
Our brains are amazing.
Mission Accomplished
Back in May I wrote about going to the City Council Meeting to get the parking rules changes.
In the new community newletter that went out, here’s what I saw:
The vote has translated into a legalese amendment to the city code and is now in effect! Woot!
Soccer tomorrow
Soccer tomorrow at 7:30 AM after a long week.
A few nights ago I took teh girls outside to look at Mars and the Moon through the telescope.
They enjoyed it, so I should find a place with a better scope to take them.
Must go rest now.
For the Record
For the record, I would like this headache to go away.
2 hours + 2 minutes = Wow
I went to the doctor today. My throat has been hurting for a few days and I knew it was probably something I needed to see the doctor about. Yesterday, I told Michele that I was gunna have to go and endure the visit to get the needed anti-biotics.
Today I left work early for the Doctor’s Office. I had to wait for TWO HOURS to see the doctor. She walks in, asks me what’s up, looks in my ears, then looks in my mouth. When I said ‘Ahhh’, she said ‘Wow!’
When the doctor says ‘Wow’, it can only mean that you are not malingering. It means you have some actual illness. In my case, I have acute pharyngitis.
So after a quick trip to the pharmacy I’m on a ten day course of pills to kill the evil nasties attacking my throat.
It would have been nice if I could have avoided the 2 hour wait in the office and simply bought the anti-biotics at the pharmacy like I do with aspirin and cough syrup. I hope that some day we can get to a place where adults are allowed
In other news:
I took the train to work today and on the way I finished Guns, Germs, and Steel. I really enjoyed the book. It wasn’t so much a book that changed my way of thinking, but it did make see things in a different way. The author’s take on the path of history and the successes and failures of various societies resonates with my scientific thinking.
I recommend the book to anyone interested in the history of the world from a non-political viewpoint.
Yoshi loaned me American Gods to read. He told me it was good and some sci-fi would be tasty after a big history book.
FYI, Cory Doctorow’s new book is out. I ordered a copy on Amazon.
Video Games
This weekend I picked up Battlefield 1942: Secret Weapons. BF1942 is a great game and the previous expansion was excellent. From the little I’ve played of the new expansion, it’s great as well. The rocket pack and amphibious vehicles are fun. When I’m feeling better, I’ll play it more.
Oops, I dropped my $293 million satellite on the floor.
Happy Birthday Travis – I talked to him at work and he didn’t even let on.
Nice knives
Toynbee Tiles
The Elvis Sandwich
Yesterday, after the soccer game, I decided to make lunch. Mira and I decided to make sandwiches. Now was my chance to make an Elvis Sandwich. I had read about the Elvis Sandwich at Handcoding. Alex wrote that they were delicious. The recipe is on his site.
Here are the makings: peanut butter, honey, bananas, butter, bread, bacon and the recipe.
I love my wife, but… #213
Why must my wife hang damp bras on the doorknobs around the house for days on end?
Are they air-curing like some sort of ham? Why doorknobs? Why just the bras?
I’m told once my daughters get older, they will be hanging even more things around the house.
Can I buy a women’s undergarments dehydrator somewhere and put it out of sight?
Cell Phone Dude
To the guy in front of my in line at the Arby’s today:
Dude, get off your fucking cell phone when you are in Arby’s!
Hang up and order your food. We don’t want to hear you yammer on in line about things on the phone. It’s rude to the person on the phone, the lady behind the counter, and the rest of us in line.
Hang up. Order your food in a timely manner as to not inconvience the rest of us and then go call the person back from elsewhere.
You know, I seriously need to look into a cell phone jammer. How hard can it be to put noise on the frequency band? I’ll teach these fuckers.