
I went to my parents house for Mother’s Day yesterday. Just as we walked in the door, Zoe saw a lizard run in and into a corner of the front room.

Suddenly, the house was jumping with the thought of a lizard inside. My father looked under the lightstand in the corner and saw the lizard. “It’s a big one.”, he said.

Thinking a member of Gen X, I immediately went to get my mother’s digital camera. Pictures are a must. My father then took this photo.

Soon the lizard was bolting away and off behind the display case when my mom keeps her good crystal. After a bit of prodding with a yardstick, the lizard again ran, but this time toward Dad. He caught the lizard bare-handed, ala Crocodile Hunter. The lizard proceeded to poop and and then bite him.

We tossed the lizard into a large soup pot, much to the chagrin of my mother. “I cook in that!”, she said.

Outside we went to release the lizard. I think it’s a skink actually.

Excitement over, I wanted to make sure I could get these images. It was at this point I learned that my parents had never downloaded anything off the digital camera since Christmas. There were 58 images on the camera.

While I was in my mother’s office, I noticed this drawer.

Why she has a drawer full of broken reading glasses, I cannot fathom. There must be more than 25 glasses in that drawer. It seems to make sense to my mother and that’s what matters. Also notice the Mac mouse in the drawer. I can’t make the connection between the reading glasses and the mouse either.

Egads, is this where my life is headed? Strange collections in drawers?

Sweet Jesus…

Back at Christmas (2001 that is) my father bought my mother a new computer and a new digital camera. It appears today (May 2002 mind you…) that they have never downloaded a picture yet.

The connection cable is still in the box.

I am sitting here now trying to pull up the pictures.


Happy Mother’s Day to all mothers reading…

Pondering: Why aren’t any of the women I live with able to put clothes properly into the hamper? I mena, is it so much trouble to turn shirts and socks right side out before I wash them. Slackers.

Dr. Pepper Jello Attempt #2

I’m trying again to get this right. Here’s today’s version:

(2) cans Dr. Pepper
(1) 1/4 oz. envelopes of Knox gelatin

Pour 3/4 cups of Dr. Pepper into a glass measuring cup. The measuring cup should hold > 3 cups of fluid Empty gelatin into the cup and stir slighty. Set aside and let the gelatin ‘bloom’ for 5 minutes.

Meanwhile, pour 1 & 3/4 cups of Dr. Pepper into a bowl and nuke in the microwave for 3 minutes until the Dr. Pepper is very hot but not boiling.

There should be about 1/2 a can of Dr. Pepper left in can. Begin drinking Dr. Pepper. It’s refreshing after all this hard work.

Pour heated Dr. Pepper into ‘blooming’ mixture. Stir for about 5 minutes or until all gelatin is dissolved. Let mixture sit a few mintues while you get out 1/2 cup bowls. Pour mix into bowls. Place in fridge overnight.

Notice that I’ve increased the amount of soda pop and decreased the amount of gelatin.

Quilting Widower again

Michele is off for the day to some kinda fabic thingee. I don’t even ask anymore.

I’ve got to do just a little shopping for Mother’s Day. Everything is chosen, I just need to pick it up. If I time this right the girls should be in a good mood for it.

Hopefully we’ll be home just after lunch and I can tidy up the house so I can have a relaxing evening.

A few interesting sites:
Slyck – file sharing
Being Daddy – a dad’s weblog
Guy in a Suit – he’s not really in a suit
Google Holiday Logos

Iced coffee craving level: High

Here he is, taunting me. Mr. Brown is pure evil, but I love him…


My craving for a can of iced coffee is unbearable.

I stopped at the supermarket on the way to work to pick up ice cream for the nursery school party this afternoon and saw cans of the stuff. Pavilions was charging $1.99 a can. WTF? Evil bastards…

Must… Resist…

Firm Jello

The Dr. Pepper jello I attempted to make turned out a bit too firm. Here is the jello standing of its own accord on a cutting tray. Normal jello doesn’t do this…

It tasted well, a bit too gelatiny. So, I chopped it up into cubes for the kids to munch on during the day.

I must find the correct recipe!