
The heat is going to be arriving soon here in Sunny Southern California, and I am getting a quick post in before the day really begins.

Mira blowing out candles with Zoe in support.

The birthday fun is over and Sunday I spent part of the day hanging out with James. Michele got the cleaning bug and scoured the living room until it looks like a scene from Martha Stewart Living.
I did my part and at Michele’s request put in a DVD/VCR combo up front. The girls are all excited about this because now they don’t need to use the Playstation to watch DVDs.
Over at Metafilter, I saw a post on Science Toys to make with your kids. Very cool. We’ll be making crystal radios soon.
Mrs. Diggs is feeling the LA lifestyle, even in Kansas (no permalink, go to July 10).
I’m feeling the need to build a computer. I have no reason, but the need remains. James’s discussions of mini-itx and Squidly’s good work have inspired me.
Time for work…

Upgrade Blues

Yesterday, the hosting provider for this site did a software upgrade.
As a result, the interface between perl and mysql was broken for part of the day. Basically it meant that MovableType didn’t work and you couldn’t read comments.
It appears that everything is fixed. Please resume your normal commenting.

Damn 7-Eleven

At lunch we headed out to grab our free Slurpees at 7-Eleven.
We walked into the store and said, “Where’s the free slurpees?”
The man behind the counter said, “Seven to Eleven!”
I said, “Yeah, where”s the free Slurpees?”
He said, “It’s over! Seven to Eleven!”
Evidently the knuckleheads at Corporate 7-Eleven decided to only have free stuff from 7AM to 11AM.

5 Years Old

Tomorrow my youngest daughter, Mira, turns five years old. It will be a good day.
I spent the evening wrapping presents and attaching a basket & bell to her new bicycle. The Magic Talking Grill is sure to be a hit as well.
I also did the final touches on my MeFI CD Swap. I had resisted opening the CDs I got before I finished my mixes. I started listening to them tonight. The CD from greengrl is absolutely kick-ass. I hope she likes my selections as much I like hers.
My good friend Len has launched his blog. Please give him a read and a comment for encouragement.


I went from 500+ emails in my inbox to under 100. The flow of emails in unending. Eventually it will wreck all productivity in modern business.
There’s got to be a better way.

No ice

We are out of ice, so I am drinking my scotch neat. Usually I have two rocks to chill the scotch just a bit. Life is rough.
I just finished a book I picked up at the local discount bookstore. It’s called Rebel Moon and based on the story form a 1996 video game. It’s not worthy of a full review. The book hums along for a bit and at the end the rebels basically lose and the story abruptly ends with the appearance of aliens. We don’t even know what happens next. There’s no sequel. What a ripoff, even at $2.99.
I was talking to some people at work about what apps to run to protect yourself from things like spyware and other malware. Here’s a list of what I run defensively.
ZoneAlarm – A software firewall that also controls outbound traffic
Norton AntiVirus – If you don’t run antivirus, you are asking to get your computer wiped out.
AdSubtract – Pop-up blocker and privacy software.
AdAware – Spyware scanner.
Spybot – Alternate spyware scanner
SpamBayes Outlook Addin – Spam filter for Outlook.
Oh, Michele just got back from her Quilt Meeting. Gotta go.

Outside in the shade

On the 4th I finished my latest book, The Golden Age. I was quite pleased, but the author did leave me in a classic cliffhanger.
The Golden Age – John Wright
The Golden Age is a classic space opera with a twist of occuring outside the typical swashbuckling firefights of many Sci-fi novels. In Wright’s far future, humans are immortal and surrounded by ultra-smart artificial intelligences that help them manipulate thier perception of the world. No longer do most people physically travel anywhere, they mind is fed the senses and experiences where android bodies and remote sensors.
The protaganist, Phaethon, is a hero in a world without desire for adventure. Society is content to stop progress and bask in their utopia. Without revealing much plot, finds that the world is not as it seems and soon learns that part of his past has been hidden.
The story follows his attempts to find out what’s really going on in a world of fantasy and illusion. The story is a bit slow in the beginning until you pick up the lingo and concepts. Soon enough you are hanging on for the wild ride.
The book ends in a cliffhanger with our hero ready to face the final outcome in the next book. Amazon can’t deliver it fast enough. To bad my library doesn’t have it.

Independance Day

Today we celebrate the Independance of our country and the great things our nation has done.

The American Flag by Zoe Pusateri

I’ll be leaving in a bit to go pick up the Girls at the airport. Hopefully the airport trip will be smooth and uneventful, unlike last year.
Yesterday I bought a bicycle. A Giant Cypress for those that know bikes. I rode it up to the Coffee Bean & Tea Leaf. The uphill ride showed me how out of shape I am. I drank my tea and finished my book. I wish Michele had been there to soak up the early morning quiet too.
Last night I played some Neverwinter nights with Travis, Brad, and Yoshi. I was having a good time until I had to take out my contacts. I wore them too long and the dust from mowing the lawn wasn’t helping. I bailed out of the game before Midnight and had to go put magic blinding goop in my eyes so I could see today. Hopefully we’ll carry on later this weekend.
I got a call from Martin last night. He made it to Kansas safe and sound. I learn more details of the trip later. Right now they are busy unpacking. Muah-ha-ha-ha…
That’s all for now, I need to head to the airport. Have a fun holiday and be safe.