Two hundred and thirty one years ago, our nations founder’s declared their independence from Great Britain. Today, we celebrate the creation our our great nations.
In my town of South Pasadena, we have a traditional parade of the community down our main street.

The Boy Scouts carried the Colors to lead the parade of local officials and groups. Everyone from bands to soccer teams to square dancers to fire trucks were in the parade.

My eldest daughter, Zoe, was given the privilege of carrying the placard for our Representative, Adam Schiff.
A simple parade like this, without overt commercialism, reminds me that the basis of our country is the simple idea that by joining together with our community, we can create a better life for everyone. In these days of political turmoil, it is good to remember that we are all in this together. Seeing families out together and bumping into friends is an important reminder that people are what’s important in this life.