Monday Morning Update

Aimless rambling:

I missed the XFL game. AGAIN!

I’ve listening to a band called Ween now. Haven’t decided whether they belong on the pantheon with Cake & Green Day yet. You can check out the music at Imagine that, a band letting people hear their music.

Sorpranos: Dr. Melfi shoudl have told Tony. The scene of Tony taking revenge would have been ultra-sweet.

The power supply I don’t need, but do want.
Council on Foreign Relations
Bushites fire mapmaker

Mac OS X = fubarred

I just read that Apple’s Mac OS X is being released with a few serious features missing.

Now remember, the Mac is touted as the platform for creative video development. Final Cut Pro and all that, ya know.


1) Has no DVD support at all. Can’t read them or play them.
2) Has no support for analog video input. Unless it’s on firewire, OS X won’t work with video in
3) No new video card drivers until summer
4) The entire Adobe suite will run emulated and therefore slower than under OS 9.1

Supposedly, Apple is planning to release another version of OS X in the Summer called Puma that has these features.

So I ask the simple question, “Why release OS X now?”

Answer: Because Steve Jobs and Apple are greedy bastards that are trying to suck every last penny out the Mac Cultists to meet quarterly expectations.

A new king arises

After getting a bit feed up with Napster, I d/l LimeWire. Sweeter than a box of Red Vines!

Gotta go, this is slowing down my connection. Limewire demands my bandwidth!

One more note. Kozmo has stopped renting games, they still rent movies and other stuff. This internet bubble bursting is starting to affect me now.

It’s all Geo. W.’s fault.

My Mom flames me

My Mom read this weblog for the first time today. She called me to tell me she emailed me a complaint.

How Dare You put your criticism of AOL in print!!!
Your Mom!

Heaven help me. A True Believer in the AOL/TimeWarner/Borg Collective in my own family.

Further good news from Mom is that my Dad read Lucas’s reply about Macs and is now refusing to buy a PC. Me and my dumb ass weblog. More years of supporting damn Macs…

And finally, it’s still pouring rain here in LA, so it looks like I won’t be attending the XFL game for the second time in a row. Fuck me, I think I spun the karma wheel in the wrong direction.

Bash a Mac, get some email.

In my last post, I posted about Macs. This leads inevitably to the Angry Mac User email.

Lucas of Dioxidized (Don’t link if pictures of dead people turn your stomach), sent me this note.

you’re doing it again, and i don’t like it!

Needing to use outlook is one of the most cheesy reasons to need to switch to a PC. You can just buy outlook 8.2 for the Mac. Works fine.

You can even download the outlook 2001 beta for the Mac for free, works fine again. I know this because i’m the sole mac user at my workplace and i have no issues whatsoever with emails or file exchange (thanks to DAVE, a netbios program for macs). The only issue is ODBC access to MS-SQL Server 7.0 databases, thanks to microsoft not releasing drivers as they had for 6.5 and earlier…

So go, tell your dad before he buys a PC, to go to and download the outlook client… works like a charm…

Really, if you ask me, unless you do database development, Win32 programing, or play games, there really isn’t much difference between the capabilities of Mac’s and PC’s…

Sorry, just had to let it out (again) since you’re such the mac-basher… 🙂


Let me leave my comments simply:

Single Button Mouse
High Hardware Price
Mac OS becomes BSD in March
Flowers on the case. WTF?
Limited Games
Steve Jobs

Steve Jobs, make your time…

My father was one of the first people in line to buy the original Apple Macintosh. You know, the original 128K version.

For years, he has stuck by Apple, buying Mac after Mac. Resisting the Siren’s Call of Windows, he sat upon the shrinking Mac Fortress with other fanatics, as he watched his sons eagerly embrace the dark side.

Today I recieved a phone call:

Me: Hello?
Dad: Hi, I’m in Costco. Can I ask you a question?
Me: Sure, what’s up?
Dad: I’m looking at a HP Pavilions PC. I think I’m going to have to switch over to the dark side.
Me: You’re switching to Windows?
Dad: Well, I’ll have to hold my nose and use it because of Outlook.

We went on to discuss the fact that his office is all PC and that they want to get the Outlook/Exchange thing up and running. It’s the right move, and he knows it. He doesn’t like it, but he can read the writing on the wall.

Steve Jobs needs to be afraid, very afraid. When you start losing customers that have been buying your products for 15 years, you have some problems.

While the new Flower Power iMac may look purty, my Dad really doesn’t give a fuck about cutsy, retro design scheme. What he cares about is a computer that works with the office. Apple can’t supply that, so they lose yet another customer.