
In the last week, I finished two books. I read All Tommorrow’s Parties and Fallen Angels while I was in New York and finished them up this week.

All Tommorrow’s Parties is by William Gibson, the seminal cyberpunk author. All Tommorrow’s Parties is the third book in a series GIbosn began with Virtual Light and Idoru. The series is not a tight trilogy, but the same characters do run through all novels. ATP was a fun read, but I’m not so sure of Gibson’s message. Is it “Wealthy bad guys fail in plans” or “Big changes coming that will surprise us”? In any case, current readers of the cyberpunk genre will enjoy the novel.

Fallen Angels appears to be written as a thank you science fiction fans. I like the work that Niven & Pournelle did in Mote in God’s Eye and The Gripping Hand, but this book falls a bit short.

It’s a more a story about wouldn’t it be great if sci-fi fans were important and more that just people who liked books. Toss in a plea for simple resuable spacecraft, a hatred of radical environmentalists, and imagined culture of space society and you have Fallen Angels. The book is not earth shaking in any way, but will kill a few hours.

Ok, I have to go play with the kids now….


I am in New York for business meetings. As a result, I have time in the hotel room with the TV on. Much more time than I usually spend with TV on these days. I was mainly watching MTV and VH1. As a result, I have come to several conclusions:

1) The show Behind the Music could be condensed from 1 hour to about 15 minutes. They use the same clips about 20 times in the show.
2) The Toxicity video airs once every 15 minutes on MTV.
3) Ted Nugent has a grenade launcher.
4) Car chases are bad and invariably involve lots of sparks.
5) On the MTV show “Kidnapped”, the kidnap victim always chooses to ‘screw his friends’ in the third section of the show.
6) You get two Girls Gone Wild DVDs for only $9.95.
7) Many women take off their clothes for Howard Stern.
8) Puff Daddy still loves Jennifer Lopez.
9) There is an entire show about ‘being Britney Spears’.

In other news, New York is still a busy chaotic place with good food. Last nights meal of antipasto, risotto and coconut sorbet was spectacular. On the other hand, the general anxiety level on the street was much higher than home. Everyone has a cell phone and the dogs have winter jackets here. I don’t remember my brother’s dog Abbie wearing a jacket out in the winter.

Link of the Day: The Pusateri Funeral Home


Some guy said that I made my haiku wrong. He said:

Haiku: Three-line poem.
Line two: seven syllables;
First and third have five.

My brother then told me that a haiku is not a haiku if it does not talk about nature. Supposedly they have another name for haikus that are not haikus.

Damn, I liked my haiku…

Woot! The Patriots won. The unfaithful Rams lost!

An Update

I know I should update more, but alas, I am a slacker.

My wife gave me a bottle of compressed Orange Juice tablets. They are kinda like a lozenge that you suck on. Supposedly by eating one tablet, it is like drinking two big glasses of orange juice.

When I opened the bottle, I was shocked to see the amount of cotton packed inside.

That is an eighteen inch ruler shown.

What the hell is the idea of stuffing almost a yard of cotton into my bottle of orange juice tablets?


I had a cup of coffee and a slice of pecan pie for breakfast.

I am bouncing off the walls. Sugar and caffiene levels are maxxed. I fear a crash coming…

What you want more substanitive updates? STFU…


Yes, I should be updating more. Life keeps spinning and entropy increases, but I don’t seem to find/take the time to update here.

Little things like this seem to take up my time. I tend to think it’s more important…

A post and stuff

Yes, I am a slacker. Yes, i should post more.

If only I could post while driving in the car when I have time to think.

Things stopping me from posting:
1) Dark Age of Camelot & Return to Castle Wolfenstein
2) IBM 75GXP hard drive that is failing
3) Dark Age of Camelot & Return to Castle Wolfenstein
4) Windows XP, the new Maxtor hard drive, Maxtor Maxblast software
5) Dark Age of Camelot & Return to Castle Wolfenstein
6) The Highpoint HPT366 ATA/66 chipset and non-existent XP drivers
7) Dark Age of Camelot & Return to Castle Wolfenstein
8) Work which expects to work like I run a couple departments or something
9) These three women in my house constantly asking for my attention.
10) Crazy Taxi & Grand Theft Auto 3 in the PS2

Linkage? I got your linkage right here. While away hours my faithful droogies…

I will post again! Soon! I promise! And even with content!