Ascii baby…

                        ___  __     
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 /’___\/\`’__\/\ \/\ \ \ ,__\\ \ \/ 
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To make your own go here.

Enterprise in the Panda Express

I was eating dinner with the girls in the Panda Express, a Chinese fast food chain. As we were walkign out I heard the Muzak playing over the speakers.

“… the faith … of the heart …”


It’s the new Star Trek: Enterprise theme song! The one everyone hates. What is it doing as background music in a fast food joint?

The mind boggles.


The Dave Matthews version of the Stones song, Wild Horses is kick-ass.

It is a crime against humanity that you can’t buy this song on a CD.

When the revolution comes, the RIAA will be the first against the wall…

Another Book Down

I finished The Butcher’s Boy by Thomas Perry today. The book is out of print and I had to order it used. He wrote a book called Metzger’s Dog, also out of print that I read several years ago.

Butcher’s Boy is about a professional hitman and a government crime analyst as they are involved in a series of events that occur. You get to see things from two angles. I recommend it.

BTW, Metzger’s Dog is a fantastic book about a group of grifters that stumble across some special CIA paperwork and how they go about blackmailing the CIA. Good stuff. Not your traditional crime thriller. Much humor and ‘hard-crime’ details.

On the gaming front, I am having tons of trouble getting Dark Age of Camelot to work. Damn connection problems. To top that off my old UO guild, BLD appears to have finally completely disinegrated, tempting me to return and set things right… Must resist UO… Must level up in DaoC…


I was outside puttering around the deck in the backyard. I noticed a few of the bolts holding the railing to the deck were rusty so I started to replace them. I reached up to steady myself on the knob on the edge of the railing. The weld broke and I gashed my hand on the metal.

What you see is my bandaged hand holding the agressive bits of metal.

It hurt, but what really hurt was prying the gash open to get the bits of paint and rust out with tweezers. Yeow-za!

East Coast folk, please note the green grass and leaves on trees. Muah-ha-ha-ha! How’s the snow? 🙂

I’m playing way too much Serious Sam II. Someone, please, please stop me…