Off my lazy ass

Alright, I got off my lazy ass and wrote up a few stories.

First, I did a little Benchmarking. It’s an offshoot of geocaching. You can check out the first and second benchmarks I found.

Next, I planted a new geocache called the Big Dreams Cache on Saturday. You can read the story.

After planting the cache, I did a did a little hunting myself on my seventh and eighth geocache finds.

On Fathers Day, I went down to my parents house. My parents handed me a small present to open. I couldn’t imagine what it was. I opened it up and it was a new Garmin eTrex Venture. I’ve was quite surprised. Remember, I’ve been using a GPS Companion with Michele’s Palm.

Me: Wow, thanks.
Mom: You like it?
Me: Um, yes. It’s great. But…
Mom: What? You don’t like it? You want to take it back? A different color?
Me: No, it’s just that I already have a GPS…
Dad: Yah, we know.
Me: Huh?
Dad: We asked Michele what to get you. She said to get you a GPS.
Me: Huh? She knows I have a GPS…
Mom: Do you want to take it back? Wrong color? [etc…]
Dad: Michele said to get you it so she can have her Palm back.
Me: Oh.
Dad: She said ever since you started geocaching her Palm is never in her purse.
Me: I see. A conspiracy!

I’ll write more on the new GPS once I get a chance to use it.

Lastly, I wrote up a story on my father’s knife obsession. More to come on this topic as I get time.

OK, that’s enough content for tonight. It’s bed time….

Picture of the Day

Mac haters unite in glee over this image.

This picture was take at work, where a Mac found it simply too tough to boot up.
This isn’t running an app, it’s just booting the OS.


Let the hate mail begin!

Blow out

I got home yesterday and began filling the spa with water. I had made arrangements for a spa guy to come clean the filter and check out the system. He said to go ahead and fill the spa with water.

After the spa was mostly full, I turned the switches on to get the jet/filter system primed with water. The system started chugging and whirring as usual. After about 5 minutes, the jets bagan to spurt and everything looked good. A bit of debis blew out of the jets, but that is normal for a startup after a long time off.

I looked over toward the pum/heater/filter gear and noticed a bunch of water coming from that direction. Suddenly, the jets sputtered and died away. More water came from the equipment that is usually dry.

Upon inspection, I found that the water was coming from the heater unit. To heat the water, there is a coil of tubing (kinda like a radiator) over large gas burners. Water is pumped through this tubing while the gas flame is on and the water is heated. It’s simple really. Well, it looks like the tubing broke and water was pouring down on the gas burners. Big mess.

This put me into a bit of a funk. I was going to do some work on geocaching stories, but instead watched some TV and went to bed early.

Hopefully today will be a better day.


Yes, the site has lacked good content recently. Crappy pics and brief captions just don’t cut it…

An actual tourist wearing black socks and shorts.
Why won’t his wife tell him he looks like a fool?

I’m planning on better stuff to post, but you’ll have to wait.

Where in the world?

I decided I need a fanny pack of some sort to carry my gear when going geocaching. The only problem is I don’t know where you buy a fanny pack. Do I need to go to a sporting good store? Are there fanny pack stores?