
On my way from home to work today, I was wardriving. On my normal way to work, I picked up the following SSIDs:

Apple Network 3a6704
Mobile iBooks
Big One Network

Looks like a ripe area for WiFi access. Look at all those ‘default’ and ‘linksys’ SSIDs. Me thinks some people have less than secre networks.


I was sitting quietly at my desk when the phone rang. It was my wife. She asked about something to do with a belt she was returning for me at Macy’s. I thought, “That’s nice. Michele & Zoe are at the Paseo Colorado. I’m sure they’ll have a nice time.”

Michele casually mentioned she had some other news. I asked what it was. She said, “Zoe got her ears pierced. Want to talk to her?”

Zoe got on the phone and explained that she now had pierced ears and they it only hurt a ‘little bit’.

Wow. My daughter with pierced ears at 6 1/2 years old. I can only imagine that Mira, the 4 year old, will want her ears pierced too.

I’m doomed.

Long day

We had Mira’s birthday party and everyone had a great time.

Michele and I cleaned up, I watched the last episode of The Wire, surfed the web a bit, and now it’s time for bed.

I have no energy for a witty entry.


I’m sitting here with Michele listening to Mixmaster Mike’s Spincycle on KROQ. It’s the shit!

OK, to other matters…

Earlier I went with a bunch of guys (including Brad) to Galco’s, the soda pop store with over 300 available sodas. I had seen it on Unwrapped on FoodTV. It’s 15 minutes from work, so we went at lunch.

I ended up buying 4 six-packs of assorted sodas.

Here’s the cherry and black cherry soda pop I got for Michele.

A few old favorites in bottles.
Note the full 12 oz. bottle of Coke, not a pansy 8 oz. bottle like you normally see…

And even more to try.

There’s nothing like soda pop from a bottle. Cans simply can’t compare to the feeling of the bottle. When I was in college we drank out of bottles in the fraternity house. It’s a feeling I won’t forget.

Update for you rabid readers…

Yes, my meeting went fine. I am a Corporate Samurai and was able to run the meeting without injury. Stop worryign about me, I’m a big boy, I can handle myself.

Props to my Dad for his fishing expertise!

Behold, my father with a six pound bass.

For those people that just can’t get enough weblog reading, here are a few new ones. At the office, my weblogging is common knowledge and more than once I have exhorted my co-workers to make a weblog to voice they rants in a place other than my office. I appear to have spawned three. Enjoy.

The Rants of Mister P
Pat in His Right Mind
Flying W Things

Of course all productivity at the office is grinding to a halt with all this weblogging going on…

Under attack

I am currently under attack for not updating my weblog.

Someone (who shall remain nameless) is in my office yelling at me now!

I will update with real content before the sun sets…

Big Meeting

There’s a big meeting at work today.

I’ve got to be on top of things for a couple hours while I run the meeting.

Too bad I stayed up until 1AM…


My cup of coffee sprung a leak!

Drip, drip, drip out the bottom it was leaking.

Luckily, I didn’t panic and remedied the situation with a new paper cup. Yes, that’s the benefits of 4 years of engineering school.

Two Geocaching stories

On Sunday, we went on two geocaching trips. As usual, I wrote up the stories.

School Days – Cache 11

Go Fly Another Kite – Cache 12

The list of all stories is here.

I would write more, but I’m tired. It’s been a long day.

Go read the weblogs of my new MeFi CD Swap partners sadpanda.org and tangmonkey.com instead of hanging around here. Go now. I’m not kidding. I’m shutting off the computer ’cause it’s fucking almost midnight.