
It’s 12:44AM and I’m still up installing Michele’s new hard drive. Getting her email backed up took forever. formatting a 60 GB hard drive took forever.

On the way home from work I stopped at the 99¢ Only Store. Damn, what an amazing store. I stopped to pick up the pool toys they had advertised. Goggles & masks for the girls to play with in the water. When I got inside, I was blown away. It is full of great things. They had audio cabling! They had tools! They had soda! They had everything. And all for 99¢!

I fully intend to spend one of my lunch hours there inspecting ever last nook and cranny.


A few things today.

1) The bad part about being the boss is that sometimes you have to be the boss.

2) I lost an auction on eBay today. I was bidding on this postcard:

I wasn’t willing to pay more that $24.50 for this postcard. There were two other postcard buyers bidding against me in the last 30 seconds. Fuckers.

3) My co-workers at work recognized my birthday today. It was great! You can read all about it.

Happy Birthday to Me

I am currently sitting outside, wirelessly connected to the internet. The girls are playing in the spa and I am sitting in front of them playing lifeguard.

One of my birthday presents was router/print server/wireless access point. Thanks Mom & Dad! I had been eyeing it for a while since it would solve a few problems I was facing like running out of IP addresses and needing a networked printer. The wireless is just a bonus. Michele’s cousin James has moved to LA and he is laptop kinda guy. After my playing with wardriving, I’ll be interested to see if anyone wardrives me.

Right now I’m on a work laptop with a 802.11 card. It’s good to be a CIO… It is tasty to have a laptop, so I may have to invest in a cheap laptop. Since we’d probably only use it for net access, I’m sure a couple year old model would do. Perhaps a combination of ebay sales and a RL garage sale could raise the cash for Michele and I to snag a bargain.

For those that have issues with their mother-in-law, let me show off. My mother-in-law Marcella is so web saavy that she not only tracked down my wishlist, but see bought me Unreal Tournament 2002. Rock on! It’s not even available yet, but she pre-ordered it anyways. Sweet!

I hope my loyal readers have a good day, I intend to!

One more thing…

For the last two weeks, I’ve been using SpamAssassin from Deersoft with Outlook to filter my email for spam.

2 weeks and it correctly filtered 378 spam messages. 54% of my email is spam. What a fucking nightmare. Damn Cantor & Siegel to hell!

You bet your ass it’s worth the $20 they are asking for this software.

So if you use Outlook, get your ass over to Deersoft and get yourself some help for the spam epidemic.


What a week. Sorry for the lack of of light hearted sillyness.

Any time that the things that burn up my energy are things I can’t talk about, it’s a problem. I’ve burned myself out in the last few weeks. Everything is accelerating and I don’t see it slowing down.

You know I love lunch. I truly enjoy getting away from the office for a bit during the day. The last two days have consisted of a bag of corn nuts on Wednesday and a leftover sandwich at my desk today.

I need a break. Where’s my vacation form?


OK, I’ve given wardriving a chance, and it just doesn’t cut it.

For those that don’t know, wardriving is when you drive aroudn with a laptop with a 802.11 card and look for wireless access points. If you find one, you can probably connect to it and be ont he internet via someone else’s broadband connection.

Wardriving is an allusion to the older hacker sport of wardialing. Wardialing was/is the term used when you use a modem to scan telephone numbers for other modems or use a modem to hack out telephone calling card numbers. Not that I even did such a thing. There is no way that I did this in high school.

In any case, I had been driving around town with a laptop and a wireless card for a week or so and was impressed to see how many WAPs (wireless access points) were around. I even connected to one at a local coffee shop and posted to here.

Last night, I went out with the specific goal of connecting to a WAP in a secret way. I had to try it. The geek allure was too high. After trying several times, I found that you basically needed to park directly in front of someone’s house to even get a minimal signal. 20 feet in either direction, and you would be unable to get a good signal. I found it quite unnerving to be parked in front of someone’s house trying to access their computer system. It had quite a different feel than sitting comfortably at home with a soda pop while port scanning a box on the other side of the world.

As a hobby, I decided it just wasn’t for me. I guess if you live in a denser area with more WAPs around, it might work better, but in the suburbs of LA, it isn’t much fun.