Wife Tracking

So Michele is talking to me about her upcoming trip today:

Michele: blah blah blah when I return on Tuesday blah blah blah
Me: Huh? Tuesday? You said you’d be back Monday.
Michele: No! It’s Tuesday!
(I point at the calendar that I have been instructed to consult daily)
(It clearly shows Monday as the return day)
Me: Um, look at the calendar.
Michele: (exasperated) But the ticket isn’t valid on Monday!
Me: Um, OK. So you are coming home Tuesday?
Michele: Yes! Tuesday!
(She then leaves the room to go remake the calendar on her computer)

Again I am at fault for my lack of mind reading skills.

Burn Baby Burn

Here is the cover art of the CD I made:

The image is from the recent road trip Michele and I took from Santa Fe to Cincinnati.

If you want details on the music or desperately need a copy, you can email me.

I must get some work done!

OK, go read the Stinkfactor site. It is simply fantastic.

I challenge any of you lurkers to eat six Saltines in 30 seconds. Slackers.

Dungeon Siege is $32.99 at Fry’s. Must… resist…

Happy Birthday Martin! If any movie studio execs are reading, please give him a seven figure development deal to so we can get a sweet box at the Staples Center and be guys instead of fathers for a while.

My loathsome brother is mocking me again. Bastard. He has all kinds of cool images and stuff on his page. What is he, a fuckign professional or something?

Lastly, how sweet is this?


Yes, I’ve been fucking around with the base html for the page this morning. I’m bored while I sit her with Mira on the computer next to me playing on Disney Blast.

Sunday Morning

Two small items:

I saw this on Rebecca Blood’s weblog.

Rebecca Blood’s Politics in a Nutshell:
Libertarian: We don’t need rules, we can take care of ourselves.
Conservative: We need rules to help the upper class and control the lower class.
Liberal: We need rules to control the upper class and help the lower class.
Anarchist: We don’t need rules, we can take care of each other.

Is it really this simple? Perhaps.

In today’s newspaper I read about a woman dying in a fall from a 150 foot tall tree she was protesting in against logging. While I love the environment, I am not in favor of sacrifing people to save trees.

Broadband? You’re soaking in it!

Back home in sunny socal!

I really want to crawl up into a ball for a few days now, but alas life is not so easy.

I’ll be leaving to pick up the girls at my parent’s house in afew minutes. Nothing like an hour of prime grade Los Angeles rush hour traffic to welcome me back home.

Looks like a CD from the CD swap appeared today. I’ll have to check it out later when I’m a bit more relaxed…

While I like my job, here’s what I’d rather be doing.