Yes, I am a turbo-geek

It’s 12:30AM and I’ve got Warcraft 3.

I got to Fry’s about 11:30 and was amazed to see a parking lot full of cars. Wow, I guess there will be a few people here.

I went inside and there were Fry’s drones greeting people and handing them flyers about special midnight deals on crap. I ignored the tempting model rocket kits and George Foreman grills and walked over to the software section.

Sitting there was a displa with only a few copies of Warcraft left. Not many people around. I grabbed a copy and thought, “Boy, that was easy and it’s not even Midnight yet.”

The fry’s drones began to restock the displays with more copies and then I moved up to the front of the stores and saw what was going on. I could hold the game before Midnight, but I was not allowed to buy it yet.

Alot of people were buying the big Collector’s Edition verison with a bunch of dumb ass stuff inside. Fuck that shit. I only pay extra for the id Software tins…

I waited for a half hour for the clock to hit Midnight. In line was the a expected clumps of 20-something guys with the occasional girlfriend tagging along. People were loudly discussing their experience in the Beta. What suprised me was the number of mothers there. There was at least a half dozen moms there with their young teen sons buying them Warcraft. Now that’s love.

Just before H-hour, all 30+ front cashregisters were manned by Fry’s staff. Since I had time to kill, I made the rough estimate that there was 200+ people in line to buy the game.

The watch on the lead Fry’s drone hit 12:00Am and the selling began. I was in the first wave of 30 to hit the registers. Three minutes later I was walking by the Fry’s Door Nazis with a smirk on my face as they asked me to show my receipt. Continued walking right out the door much to there chagrin.

Time to load the game…

Warcraft ]|[

It’s 10:52PM. Warcraft 3 is released in 68 minutes at Fry’s in Burbank.

I’m thinking about going, but if I go it will be a moment of uber-geekdom.

I wonder if they’ll have beers? Will I be the only one?

Two things

If my wife had a weblog, it would be something like, except there’d be more about quilting…

I have been a bit jealous of my younger brother and the Washington, DC area weblogger get-togethers he attends. He tells me they are great fun and involve much beer drinking.

In my search for a similar meeting place in Southern California, I stumbled upon A site devoted to enabling just this kind of gatherings.

If you check out this particular Meetup you will find it only has 3 people involved. This is where YOU come in. YOU sign up and attend and then it will be a big rollicking par-tay!


As I wander around the net aimlessly, I see lots of cool things.

Some of these things are cool in a way that most would not think cool, like this and that.

There are plenty of things like Homestar Runner that everyone should laugh at heartily.

I see other weblog sites that have style like and

When I look at Cruft it lacks the same kinda style. Not that I want to copy those sites. This page looks a little locked into the whole late 90s IE vs. Netscape era when the last vocal minority of pre-WWW internet users still held back the relentless assault of Flash and CSS.

I checked and the current cruft page has been basically the same for 2 1/2 years.

I guess I still believe in Jakob Nielsen’s ideas on usability, but it’s so fucking boring sometimes. I don’t like to be fucking boring.

The time for change has come.

I don’t know exactly what, but the wheels are in motion. It will probably involve the domain I’ve had waiting in the wings for a while.

Stay tuned.