As long time Cruft readers may remember, my Father has a bit of a fascination with Swiss Army knives with a collection of hundreds.
Recently he has been longing for the new Swiss Army Knife with USB and 64MB of flash memory. It arrived and he showed it to me yesterday.
Here you can see the knife plugged into my hub. Notice the drive SWISSMEMORY on the screen. It actually works.
Here is proof positive that my geekiness is inherited from my father.
This knife is cool, but non-standard. Will it be allowed in the collection, or is it simply a novelty?
It’s not part of The Collection.
But he does like to buy any kind of Swiss Army item he can lay hold of…
Your Dad’s Swiss Army Knife collection has exceeded 1000 in number for some time. When’s the party?
They also now have a 128mb version which I am pining away for.