A couple months ago I wrote about Space Food Sticks. Yesterday I recieved a note from Eric of retrofuture.com, maker of the Space Food Sticks. Here is what Eric said in his note:
Your review of Space Food Sticks was really entertaining to me. I run Terra Firma Products (i.e., the Space Food Sticks Preservation Society) and it was nice to see these crazy efforts I’m making noticed by someone. So thanks. Having your kids judge them really resonated with this father of three.
The part that really made me laugh was your comments about the BMX bike rider on the package (aka, WTF?). You have no idea how many times I asked the folks in Australia if they could change it back. Either that or just change the name to Bike Food Sticks and be done with it! Finally I gave up and changed the packaging myself. Strange but true, I’m actually paying folks to take the sticks out of those boxes and put them in new packaging that emphasizes a space theme!
The reason I’m writing is to tell you some real news. I am working with food engineers here in the States who are going to make new peanut butter SFS based on the original formulation. They’ll be wrapped in silver foil and retain the original shape. Hopefully the packaging will recreate the original as well (it won’t have any BMX bikers on it I can assure you).
Anyway I thought you might like to know a bit more about what’s happening with SFS because it’s something you might want to add to inform folks. Your article is influential so it would be nice (for me) if you could keep it up-to-date.
So there it is folks. Breaking news on the future of Space Food Sticks from the source. Cruft continues to bring you valuable scoops like this while traditional news journalists are focused on this pesky war & the dumb presidential election!
A couple weeks ago I snagged a box of CARAMEL Space Food Sticks off ebay. Mighty tasty I tell you. There’s a few boxes up for auction now.

If you have questions or suggestions for Eric and the future of Space Food Sticks, comment away. Eric will be reading this post.
I had some of the marketers of Sprite Remix post on my review. They said it was spot on! It sort of freaks me out when people from Microsoft read my site.
The BMX themed boxes might become something of a collectors item. 🙂
Mmmm… peanut butter…
I remember those fondly. They were so cheeeewwwwy. The ones I remember were putty colored. What flavor would that have been?
Ahhhh, brother and I, sitting at the kitchen table with our toy Pepsi dispenser and Space Food Sticks- nothing could beat that. And now you’ve come to let me know it’s possible to corrupt my own kids in the same manner. What to do, what to do…
The caramel ones were the best. I think they should forget about peanut butter and go with caramel!!!!!! I ate tons of these when I was a kid.
Your review says only chocolate available and addendum has news that peanut butter will be available soon. But you got caramel from e-bay? What gives? Is caramel in the line-up? Was it a short lived test?
Where are the orange ones, they were the best!!!!
Heh, I managed to get my hands on 10 boxes of caramel Space Food Sticks the other day. I was at my local supermarket and I spotted them in the clearance trolley for 60c a box!
I know many many people who would buy tons of the peanut butter SFS if they taste like the original. Please keep us posted on the future of this product coming back!
If I had a dollar for every SFS I downed, I’d be a…well, at least a hundredaire. Loved them on camping trips. I remember melting down when I accidentally dropped my unopened lunch time SFS overboard on a canoe trip, and then rejoicing when I saw that it floated. Screw PowerBars – they taste like a bowl of dirt compared to this little cylndrical slice of nutritionless heaven.
mmmm I’m eatting a chocolate sfs right now 🙂
I was surprise to see that there is a website on these SFS..I just thought about these SFS and sure enough. I remember eating these when i was a kid, the cocolate,peanut butter and the mint..these where great and i did miss them..Now its got me thinking about the other things i miss, Super Balls, click clacks, and that 7 in one gun…Hope to see these SFS in stores:)
I can’t beleive this. Me and one of my friends were just talking about these the other day. We were giggling like little schoolgirls as we were remembering some of these things from the 60s and 70s. Somehow SFS just came into my head and we both went “YEAH! I remember those!!” I remember the peanut butter was my favorite, my sister liked the chocolate. Great with Tang and Chocks vitamins. Man those trully were “The Days” Thanks for reinforcing the memories. Great stuff.
Why would any company ever, stop making something that everyone loved to buy and eat? It would be like, “no more pretzels” or ” no more tootsie rolls” I mean , I can remember every single person I knew as a child , ate these things… so why would they go out of business? Actually I thought Pillsbury, made space food sticks… Is this correct..??
I am so glad to see people talking about these!!! My family completely thinks I’m crazy when I talk about these mysterious sticks. Even my parents don’t remember them, and they bought them for us! If I remember correctly, they were round and thin, with almost a fibery(sp?) texture to them, like a slim jim. I had the chocolate ones. They were in a foil paper wrapper, like what the old pop tarts were in. I can still taste them, from back in the 70’s. I live in St. Louis now, and when I had them I was in Massachusetts. I thought maybe they were an East Coast thing, but, apparently not. Where can I purchase them? Thanks for validating my craziness!!!
YIPPEE! I loved the PFS! The chocolate and PB were my fav! Can’t wait to try the sticks again!
Thanks for the information!! Any idea of the distribution date in the US????
I was surfing the web for some MRE meals and came across some space food products. The triggered my memory of what I used to call Space sticks. They were chocolate and as I remember them they were round and not square. They were maybe five inches long and definately my favorite snack. The closest taste to that in the present day is original flavored Tigers Milk bars, but still doesn’t come close to my favorite snack when I was 5 years old. I am noe 39!
i love space food
Would love to have the peanut butter ones again. I ate them after they stopped calling them sfs in the stores and were called Pillsbury Food Sticks. I emailed Pillsbury several years ago and asked them to make them again. They told me they had no plans to remarket them at that time. I wanted them in my kids’ lunchboxes, and of course, some for me!
You can buy as many as you want off of this site here- http://www.oldtimecandy.com/space-food-sticks.htm It’s no help to me because I am looking for the peanut butter ones. If anybody knows where to find them or has some please let me know. I would be very intrested in them.
Thank Heavens I am not the only one that not only remembers the chocolately chewy snack, but enjoyed them, too! Even my mom, who remembers them fondly, laments the fact that today’s society is devoid of the wonderful snack.Why the heck won’t they bring them back?? Aren’t people sick of fruit snacks by now??
Incredible! I had the same “carob tastes the same as chocolate . . . here have some carob chip cookies made with whole wheat flour and wheat germ” childhood in which I was forced to find alternate families who would feed me. One of those families had a never ending supply of chocolate flavored Pillsbury Food Sticks. I spent a lot of time at their house and 25 years later also had the same desire to rediscover the tasty treats. Thank you for the review on Space Sticks. I was dismayed to learn of the plastic wrapping, different shape, and tendency to be drier than the original food sticks. I hope they get the chewy part back! Does anyone know if they are sold in grocery stores in the US?
Wow! My brother and I loved those Space Food Sticks. We always had a large stash of them on family road trips. Peanut butter was definitely my favorite. Thanks for the great review. It brought back a lot of memories. By the way, does anyone out there remember that slimy, hot pink, Gak-like substance called “Super Stuff?” It came as a powder (in a cottage cheese type container) which you had to reconstitute with water. We had a lot of fun with that stuff.
I loved these things!hadn’t seen them in a long while…why do these companies get rid of items that people love so much?you would think that with all this interest in a particular food the companies might do something….
Hi from England
My daughter uses caramel Space Food Sticks as a swimming snack ;))) – as does Ian “Thorpedo” Thorpe, the Australian swimming living legend – who lists the caramel flavour as one of his favourite foods!! See http://news.bbc.co.uk/sportacademy/hi/sa/swimming/features/newsid_2141000/2141173.stm for more info.
We cannot buy these in the UK and the Austie manufacturers, Goodman Fielder Limitd, have no plans to ship/distribute to the UK either so we buy ours in bulk online and have them air posted from a great source in the USA !!
Our swim club (Chesham Swimming Club – http://www.cheshamswimmingclub.org.uk) are now interested to promote and sell these through our club shop!! I am supplying them with both caramel and chocolate flavour and the packaging for both is exactly as that in the photo above.
We would be interested to try Peanut Butter flavour, where could we get some?? Anybody know please??……… but at the moment, we think caramel has the edge over the chocolate flavour!!!
Thanks for the opportunity to ‘forum’ SFS – cheers!