Plan for the Martix

Tonight at 6:30PM I’m seeing Matrix: Revolutions. The always thinking Mr. P has come up with this plan for seating at the theater.

Please study the attached attack plan. It is the key to us getting good seating for the movie this evening.
When the doors open at 1800 hours, Mike Pusateri will create a diversion by shouting “hey, is that KEANU REEVES?!” During the ensuing chaos, Pat Bryant will move into position to block access to the theater entrance. Travis and I will proceed inside. I will take the near side while Travis will run around the far side. We will proceed up to the Stadium section and enter rows from opposite sides, converging at seats 9 through 13.
Gentlemen, I won’t lie to you. It’s a risky mission, and some of us may not return. But it is our only hope. Good luck to us all!

This is how true geeks plan a trip to the movies.


    12 thoughts on “Plan for the Martix”

    1. Hummm I like! Mr. P’s planning services may be needed for LoTR… I parked my dumb ass outside the Cinema for 3 hours with my preview screening pass last night in the freezing cold to get to go watch Revolutions. 5th in line but somehow still didn’t manage to get the seat I want, I may have to start planting disposable cameras in peoples bags so they get stopped at bag check while I plow through.

    2. “Operation heading west” has been in the works for a while. But “Operation I need to pay rent” is slowing down the progress… Better planning will lead to highly coordinated missions.

    3. Note to self: When yelling about how Pusateri has no right to consider himself a true geek because he’s not the one doing any of the planning, make sure that he isn’t sitting at the end of the hall listening to you make an ass of yourself.

    4. Matrix Spoiler alert!

      Since I think like everyone saw Revolutions or have already had some friend who saw it spoil it by telling them the ending… I just want to say the plot REALLY took a turn huh! I mean… Who would have thought Agent Smith would be Neo’s father… god …

    5. Pajaro, your comment is strange since I believe that he was stating that you were the true geek in his post. He clearly attributes the plan to you. I fail to see where he implies that he himself is a true geek.
      Further, you’ve gotta find some way of adding commentary capability on your blog… You too Travis.

    6. Yoshi, Yoshi, Yoshi… new fathers are so blinded by overwhelming love and joy that they can’t see the hate right in front of them (congratulations!) Had he said “this is how A true geek (singular) plans a movie”, there would be no problem. But by saying “true geeks” (plural) it implies inclusion. However, in recognition of his flawless execution of The Plan (, he has been redeemed.

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