Here are a few videos you might find amusing.
First, here is a clip of Michele aka Scarymommy aka my wife, running in the Disneyland Half Marathon. I am very proud of her and her dedication. Remember, she broke her foot/leg back in June and still was able to run this half marathon in August. The video is by her trainer, Steve Mackel, triathlon & Chi Running coach.
Next, I’m currently on a business trip, and here is my hotel room in San Jose.
My Hotel Room in San Jose from Michael Pusateri on Vimeo.
Lastly, I was on a panel at Office 2.0 last week. Here is video of the panel in which we discuss getting adoption of social media within companies. It’s pretty specific stuff that goes on for an hour, but if you are into social media inside the enterprise enjoy.
Here is an excerpt from the panel on ZDNet. My mom will like it since it goes right to a question I answer.
Three comments
I am so proud of Michele.
Cool Room.
It is always good to see your face and hear your voice.
I was feeling pretty good about the five miles I ran today. Until I saw that. . .
Fabulous job, Michele!