Anonymous Pain

A while ago I made a weblog for anonymous posting-> Anonyblog.
Anyone can go there, log in and post whatever they want. The username/password are right on the front page.
I expected that people would rant about other people, work, and things that piss them off. There has been some of that, but by far the most posting thing is about how sad people are.
Post after post about how things suck in their life. Take a look at the searches people are doing to stumble onto the site.

Where do you have to be in life to search for ‘am i insane’ on Google?
Such pain and sadness out there. And why are they afraid to share it with others? Why are they anonymous in their pain?
As an extroverted type, it’s hard for me to understand people dealing with their issues in this introverted way.


    10 thoughts on “Anonymous Pain”

    1. Your sample is skewed… At the top of the site is “Get it off your chest”. That’s an invitation for people to whine or complain. That creates a cycle of people making more and more depressing posts. If you had a more neutral heading, such as “what’s on your mind?” people might post good with the bad.
      Ironically, YOU are the cause of the sad posts.

    2. Mister P. has it spot ON.
      change the blog title to donuts and cartwheels and watch the extrovert in all of us plater that site with nice tidings.

    3. If I had to guess, I’d say there was one particular posting that included the “I hate my life” phrase that was either blogged or forwarded around on email quite a bit – possibly with the name of your site on it.
      My wussy little blog gets about half its hits from people searching for info on scrotal inflation just because I mentioned the medical paper on that topic by G. Bush and R. Nixon.

    4. Who says this is introverted? Seeking help from outward sources when feeling down seems extroverted to me.
      Point being, you can’t tell.

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