Civic Duty

I’m on Jury Duty. I’ve been placed in a Jury Panel and unless I get taken out via a preemptory challenge, I’m going to be on the trial jury for a SEVEN day trial.
One of the great things about America is trial by jury and I respect our legal system, but even I am wincing at the thought of seven days on a jury. The court operates from 10:30 to Noon and then 1:30 to 3:30. Three and a half hours in the courtroom per day max. I wish it could be a little more, but the judge says it’s due to budget constraints and overtime.
Who knows, maybe I can spend my lengthy lunch hour war driving downtown LA.


5 thoughts on “Civic Duty”

  1. Our jury system is the best justice system in the world, unfortunately that isn’t saying much. Since 1973, 112 people in 25 states have been released from death row with evidence of their innocence. These individuals were released due to the work of individuals, investigative journalists and lawyers who went “above and beyond” to gather information and evidence. Our justice system did not catch these cases; instead it worked to convict innocent people.
    I don’t have any anger towards our justice system, I just don’t believe in it. :\
    Sorry for the rant.

  2. I was an alternate juror for a murder trial, and the legal process was absolutely fascinating. I think everybody should be on a jury at least once. It makes you think twice the next time you see someone in handcuffs on TV and instantly assume they’re guilty. But I don’t want to serve again.

  3. Hope it’s not like the 7-day trial I got on in 2001. The one that took 6 weeks! Three whole days of deliberations at the end, too! Yikes!
    I’d still do it again, though.

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