Jerky Recipe

I found the recipe at the office.

1 1/2 cup Soy Sauce
1/2 cup Worcestershire Sauce
1 cup light brown sugar
2 teaspoons liquid smoke
1/2 teaspoon garlic salt
1 teaspoon onion powder

Mix the marinade to dissolve the sugar and other seasonings.

I have made the jerky from beef and turkey. You could use other meat, but I haven’t tried. Cut the meat in strips WITH the grain. The strips should be less than 1/4 inch thick.

Soak the meat in the marinade overnight. Put the meat in the oven or dehydrator and set the temperature to 180 or so. It might take 10 hours to get the right consistency. Your preference will determine how dry you want the jerky. Red meats contain a good amount of fat, so they remain soft, even when a significant amount of water is gone.

Books & Stuff

Back on my birthday, I got a slew of new books. I finished a few.

I read a good book called Crypto by Steven Levy. It the story of how encryption became available to the general public against the wishes of the NSA. It’s an amazing story to read. Without these individuals, we wouldn’t have the secure web connections routinely in use today. It doesn’t tell you how to use or make crypto. For that, you need Applied Cryptography by Bruce Schneier.

I also read Candle by John Barnes. The book takes place in world exposed in Kaleidoscope Century earlier. The concept of ‘memes’, a type of program that runs in your brain, is explored. The basic concept is that eveyone on earth has the same meme running after a long ‘War of the memes’ for control of people’s minds. Is it better to be happy and a productive member of society at all times, or is free will more important? Candle is not as dark and shocking as Kaleidoscope Century, and doesn’t make you guess as much about the lingo used. I remember reading Kaleidoscope Century and wondering what a ‘werp’ was for a while (it’s a computer/PDA, btw).

On a completely different note, I made jerky. I will post the recipe when I find it. I thought it was on my desk, but it’s not…

Until, you get the Link of the Day.


Last night, the virii struck my house.

My wife was greeted with this:

It seems the W32.Sircam.Worm@mm virs had attacked my wife’s computer. Thank goodness, Zonealarm stopped the nastiness.

Even with Norton Anti-Virus, it still took a few hours to ensure that this thing was gone from her computer. While I was working n her computer, my dad called and he too had been infected.

I advise all my loyal readers to update their virus definitions before you suffer a similar fate!

To the writer of the virus: Fuck you! I could have been playing games or watchign DVDs instead of watching computers churn & reboot.


Yesterday, we took one of my staff, Brian, out to lunch since he is getting married next week. We ate at a nice Italian restaurant, but we ate outside.

Half of the people at the table we under the umbrella’s shade. A couple others and I were under the blazing summer sun. At first it wasn’t oo bad, but soon it was quite sweaty & hot.

For whatever reason, it took forever to get our food and I was melting the entire time. I was forced to go to the Ben & Jerry’s next door for ice cream after the meal for relief.