Just finished 3 & 1/2 hours of soccer parades & pictures. We get a brief rest until 2PM when Zoe’s game starts.
This big ball of fire in the sky was making me hot and getting in my eyes. I hope it goes away by 2. Or at elast some clouds….
Friday Evening…
It’s around 7:30 on Friday evening. We just got back from soccer practice and the girls are winding down from the post-practice snack. They are playing Elmo’s letter adventure on the Paystation.
I checked fileplanet, and sure enough, Unreal Tournament 2003 Demo is available. I’m d/ling it now. 21 minutes to go!
Michele’s out of town, so once I wash the girls and put them to bed, it’s gaming time. I think I’ll even drink a beer.
Time to get off my lazy ass and go start the shower.
A few items of note:
Please welcome in the weblog world, GroovyMom. Our good friend Colleen has joined the extrovert crowd. She hasn’t posted much, but I’m sure she’ll have a story or two to tell.
My mother is considering creating her own weblog. Anyone have suggestions for the name?
Since I now have access to cheap hosting and domain names cost me $8 I have way too much freedom to do silly things.
One of those silly things is create binaryblockssucks.com.
As you may know, Binaryblocks was a web hosting reseller that went out of business by not paying their bills. I had been using Binaryblocks, and had recommended it to friends and family. When they went out of business, they caused trouble & headache for me and thousands of others.
To give people a place to vent their anger and discuss solutions to problems, I created binaryblockssucks.com. I’ll post up a few documents later, but for now, I’ve installed a forum where people can post whatever they want.
On a side note, Michele headed out for a quilting expedition this morning at 4AM. She is going to be helping at a show and visiting her grandmother. Me and the girls are going to be having some fun until she returns on Sunday. We intend to leave clothes on the floor, play computer games, and not vacuum. Well, maybe I’ll vacuum just befroe she returns to avoid the wrath.
September 11th
It appears we made it through the day without terror.
I feel lucky that while I am sad today, I was not directly linked to the horror a year ago. After watching a few hours of the interviews with family members I realized that I can’t even imagine what these people have gone through. Seeing a widowed husband talk about his young children and how they miss their mother was too much. I’m lucky I could turn off the TV. The victim’s families don’t have this luxury.
Life goes on and we pass this milestone. I can only hope that I don’t see somethign this terrible again in my lifetime.
The page I put up today is here.
New Host
If you can read this, you are reaching the new host.
Welcome back loyal readers!
The dust has almost settled and Cruft will be back in action soon enough.
Well, there are many, many people mad at binaryblocks.com. There appears to be a reward to track down Jason Piercy, the owner of binaryblocks. Check out the page, it’s hilarious.
I was surprised to see that if you do a search on ‘binaryblocks’ on google, my site comes up. If you find this site via google, I suggest you call cobaltracks to try to get your data off the servers or your site back up.
I’m getting close to moving this site, so stand by for further disruption.
Continued Trouble
I continue to have trouble with the great binaryblocks disaster.
Not time to post really. Between work and getting people’s site’s back up, it’s a pain. But it appears that Michele’s site is up and updated!
It seems that the webhost for this site, Binaryblocks, has not been paying their bills. As a result, today the company that actual runs the servers turned them off.
This has upset many, many people.
As a result, I am having to make arrangement to get this site and others I run hosted elsewhere. What a pain.
We just had an earthquake.
Everyone is safe. I predict a 4.2.
Michele was right, it was earthquake weather.
Pizza Dough
Brad and I have debating the cost of pizza dough via weblogs.
He wrote an excellent cost analysis of the store bought pizza dough versus dough made from scratch.
Here’s what Brad didn’t know…

The dough from Trader Joe’s is not boboli style, it is ready to knead pizza dough. I suggest that while it is possible to save 18¢ if you are careful, you still get the tactile enjoyment of kneading dough and making the shape and thickness of your pizza.
Premade dough saves not only the time, but the mess of flour involved in the scratch dough creation.
Dare I claim victory in the Pizza Dough debate?