Well, there are many, many people mad at binaryblocks.com. There appears to be a reward to track down Jason Piercy, the owner of binaryblocks. Check out the page, it’s hilarious.
I was surprised to see that if you do a search on ‘binaryblocks’ on google, my site comes up. If you find this site via google, I suggest you call cobaltracks to try to get your data off the servers or your site back up.
I’m getting close to moving this site, so stand by for further disruption.
Continued Trouble
I continue to have trouble with the great binaryblocks disaster.
Not time to post really. Between work and getting people’s site’s back up, it’s a pain. But it appears that Michele’s site is up and updated!
It seems that the webhost for this site, Binaryblocks, has not been paying their bills. As a result, today the company that actual runs the servers turned them off.
This has upset many, many people.
As a result, I am having to make arrangement to get this site and others I run hosted elsewhere. What a pain.
We just had an earthquake.
Everyone is safe. I predict a 4.2.
Michele was right, it was earthquake weather.
Pizza Dough
Brad and I have debating the cost of pizza dough via weblogs.
He wrote an excellent cost analysis of the store bought pizza dough versus dough made from scratch.
Here’s what Brad didn’t know…
The dough from Trader Joe’s is not boboli style, it is ready to knead pizza dough. I suggest that while it is possible to save 18¢ if you are careful, you still get the tactile enjoyment of kneading dough and making the shape and thickness of your pizza.
Premade dough saves not only the time, but the mess of flour involved in the scratch dough creation.
Dare I claim victory in the Pizza Dough debate?
Griefers hit the front page
For to many years, I played online games and found my calling fighting the players that tried to hurt other players. I wrtoe up many stories about these fights. After 4 years, I finally burned out on the nightly routine and decided to take a break. The grief players have not.
After 5 years, grief players have made the front page. I guess when the big money of Sony & Microsoft gets involved it takes on a financial risk. This morning’s LA Times has a front page article about online grief players. (You can use the username/pass of cpunks/cpunks to get in.)
Old habits die hard. The first thing I did after reading the article was get on the computer and try to track down the griefer, Kurt Frerichs, mentioned by name in the article. What I would do when I tracked him down, I’m not sure. But the urge to go after him with vengance was strong. I found a few things, but nothing that clearly tied the Kurt Frerichs mentioned in the article with the Kurt Frerichs I found via searches.
How to make a up of tea
I wrote up a little page on How to make a up of tea.
Weblogging on ‘Blogging on Blogging’
A couple days ago I read on Flying W Things Brad’s post on his own weblogging. While I am not agains the occasional navel gaze, I beg to different with his conclusions.
IMHO, a weblog should be what it’s creator wants. Audience be damned. If I want to wax on eloquently about an esoteric topic that everyone else find boring, too bad for the world. It’s my farking weblog.
So my opinion for Brad is simple, write what you want, as long as you want. So much of our lives are spent following the rules and expectations of others. Everyone needs a place where they can do what they want with no regard for what others think appropriate.
Hard Knocks
For the last few weeks, I’ve been catching the HBO show, Hard Knocks, off of Tivo. It is a show about the training camp of the Dallas Cowboys as the season is about to begin. It shows what really goes on and how the team rosters are made.
This is real reality television. It’s not manufactured out of nothingness like Survivor or Big Brother. It’s what is really going on as the Cowboys get to the opening day roster of 53 men. A lot of people get cut.
Here’s the dilemma. I’ve been watching the show and learning about the players. I have, dare I say it, *sympathy*, for the Cowboys. Since I live in Los Angeles, I am without a football team. As I go through the season, I fear that I might actually root for the Cowboys and their players since I know them now.
Me, root for the Cowboys? Am I out of my fucking mind?
I want this
I want this Landspeeder. Please fairy godmother, buy me this car!