Jake at 8bitjoystick offers a 3XThursday:
Hypothetically speaking imagine if some one really important like Bill Gates, The Pope or Adam West put you in charge of improving the personal computer.
1. What is the biggest problem with the current personal computer that you would address first?
Computers are turned off. They are turned off for several reasons, Noise, power usage, heat, etc. Your computer should always be available to you, always on. There should be no waiting to boot.
In close second is voice operation. You shoudl be able to speak to your computer and say ‘Check email’, ‘Launch Winamp’ or ‘Check blogroll’ and the computer should be able to execute these things for you.
2. Who would you pick to help you improve the PC? Who would you like to have in your corner to help you make the decisions
I would choose scientists and engineers that have never worke don PC design before. I would choose people from other cultures besides the US. Richard Feynman, always suggested the alternate points of view from differing disciplines was the optimal way to solve problems.
That being said, I’d choose Jean Paul Gaultier, Stephen Hawking, Andrew Goldsworthy, Dean Kamen, and Gene Spafford.
3. How would you change the hardware? What would the PC of the future look like and how would people use it?
The computer of the future will be hidden in a closet somewhere and people will access the computer via a variety of interface. The traditional desktop will exist, the tablet style for document reading will exist, the mini interface via the cell phone, the TV interface for notification will exist.
Device in the home will signal you when you have messages waiting. Just as you come home and see a number flashing on your answering machine, you will see a light flashing telling you there are emails & IMs waiting. Different colors will denote if they are messages from specific friends and family. Integration of the computer into household appliances will be everywhere.
Bonus Question for Comments: Should I get a notebook for my next Computer or a desktop with a LCD flat screen?
If you are going to play games, CRTs are still better than LCD panels. That being said, it is tons of fun to have a laptop you can use on the couch, at the coffee shop, and when traveling. Get the laptop and do minimal upgrades to your existing desktop to keep it usable.
Tonight I went to the store after the girls went to bed to pick up a few things. As I entered the store I noticed a lady looking at the Mother’s Day cards. No biggie, only like five days until Sunday so she’s getting her choosing done.
I wander around the store picking up my assorted items, pondering if there is anything I might want. Back and forth I wander for about 10 minutes. I head up front, check out and head for the door.
The lady is still there, reading the cards. 15 minutes after I first saw her when I came in the store. Still. Reading. The. Cards.
How do you read Mother’s Day cards for 15 minutes? I think my head would explode.
In other news, I made enchiladas tonight. I was at the store getting corn tortillas and onions. I made chicken and cheese enchiladas. Tomorrow we’ll cook them up and see how I did. I hope the kids like them.
Free Comic Book Day
Yesterday was Free Comic Book Day. I went to two comic stores and scored 14 different free comics. Travis, Yoshi, Len and I went to go see X-Men 2 to round out our geekness.
I enjoyed the movie quite a bit. Everyone was wishing for more of their favorite charactrers. Personally I was pleased to see Colossus, my favorite X-Man in the movie with a brief cameo. The filmmakers did a good job of telling a standalone story but continuing the story of the first film and setting up the next sequel.
I picked up several children’s comics at Free Comic Book Day. The girls were quite excited and they read comics this morning.
Jet Audio
At SXSW I met Alex of Hand Coding. We shared a few Shiner Bocks and chatted for a while. I’ve been following his weblog for a while and it’s always interesting.
A few days ago I read about his post on Jet Audio and the fact that it can play Real streams. IMHO, the Real player is a piece of bloated, invasive, spyware that attempts to squelch my attempts to get all my media players to coexist peaceably.
I downloaded the client from Jet Audio and it rocks. I really like the features and the clean design. From the single client you can rip CDs, convert files from one type to another, record audio (even from steams being played back), burns files to CDs, and it will even crossfade one song into another on playback.
You won’t regret the download if you give it a try.
Buttons, Buttons, and more Buttons
Somehow I stumbled on to Tay McKnight’s page of Buttons to Steal. Absolutely kick-ass stuff. Go take a look.
If you scroll down this page, look on the right side and you will see the new About this Site section. I revamped it with this style of buttons.
To make things for Cruft, I made a few buttons myself. Check them out:
– Linux OS
– SXSW Interactive
– Meetup
– Friendster
I like these images because they are simple and clean. Better yet, I can create them in Microsoft Paint, a graphics program I can use.
So what other buttons are needed?
Mother’s Day is coming
Mother’s Day is coming. How do I know? This is what I found on my desk when I got home from work yesterday.
Yes, when I see a Nordstrom catalog with a page dogearred I have been trained well enough to recognize this hint.
Husbands and sons, May 11th is Mother’s Day. Make you plans now. Do it today. Give yourself time to avoid the overnight shipping costs. You don’t want to be one of those guys driving around early Sunday morning looking for an open store.
I didn’t mention daughters, because women don’t need the reminder. Women are much more on top of these sort of things than men. Women can think about many things at once and look at a calendar regularly. Men, on the other hand, can think about one thing at a time, and that is usually something simple like “want food!”, “mmm, shiny!”, or “boobies!”.
Now I just need to get my ass to Nordstrom for Michele’s new purse and figure out what to get my Mom.
On a related note, Being Daddy once again describes the experience of being a father today better than I ever could. I guess being an English Professor has it’s benefits.
Another new father site is Blogsprogs where three new fathers are describing their fun. Good stuff.
Blogshares went live today. The site simulates a stock market based on weblogs and looks at links to simulate cash flow. It’s a fun little diversion. Ego driven like most weblog things.
Alec Saunders .LOG is giving away $1000 blogshare dollars to link to him. I’m not proud. I’ll take the $1000.
I don’t know where he got the cash, but I’ll help launder it.
The scary one…
I spent the evening talking to Michele and converting her weblog over to Movable Type.
Enjoy Scarymommy with the MT flava!
Thanks to James for help with the install over the weekend.
I’m going to sleep now.
Funniest. Video. Post. Evar.
Watch them in order…
Buy Casey’s Stuff
My fraternity brother Casey is selling a car and a boat.
If you are in the market for such things, check out his 2002 Nissan Xterra XE and his “Awesome” 2001 Crestliner Welded Aluminum Bass Boat w/Trailer.
He could use the money so I’m sure you could wheel and deal a bit if you are interested.
BTW, if you never have looked at Craig’s List, you should. It’s where the cool people check the classifieds.