Frosty Sno-Balls

On a recent trip to my beloved 7-Eleven store, I spied yet another version of the classic Sno-Balls confectionary. Thsi time the Sno-Balls were actually snow colored – white! Of course, I snatched up a package for further investigation. Previously I have examined the green Lucky Puffs and orange Glo-Balls versions.

I think Hostess is catching onto my investigations and they have made very few claims on the packaging for me to investigate.
After staring at the package for a bit I came to the conclusion that Hostess is actually pursuing a crypto-Catholic agenda. I mean it’s obvious once you look at it.
As you can see, Frosty the Snowman on the package represents the Christmas holiday. The Sno-Balls are clearly meant to represent portions of his own body. You are expected to celebrate the Christmas holiday by eating the body of Frosty! Sound anything like the a familiar religious ritual?
Christmas = Christ’s Mass. What happens at Mass? For you non-Catholics out there, at Mass, wine and bread wafers are consecrated for communion and by transubstantiation converted to the actual blood and body of Jesus Christ.
So, I think we can clearly see that Hostess is trying to get unsuspecting Sno-Balls lovers to join the Catholic faith!

Back to the actual Sno-Balls themselves, they appear to be frighteningly dull. I mean would it have been so much trouble to have red or green filling on the inside of the Sno-Balls as a treat? Perhaps they felt with a red filling their secret Catholic agenda would be revealed.
On a related Sno-Balls note, do take the time to check out the pictures of a highly mobile package of pink Sno-Balls.

Paid in advance

I don’t like dealing with bills, so where ever possible I set up automatic payments through my bank to pay my bills. As an example I roughly know how much my phone bills will be monthly, so I set up payments that pay the roughly correct amount and I adjust as needed every couple of months. Usually I end up with a little credit on accounts after a while but that’s OK since I get the warm and cozy feeling that the bills are all paid.
One of the newspapers we get every morning is the Pasadena Star News. When we subscribed, I estimated the monthly amount and set up a monthly automatic payment and didn’t worry about the bill any more. Since we are paid up, I don’t get a bill from the newspaper, so I don’t check the balance.
Yesterday I received a message from Jackie at the Pasadena Star News. I called back today and conversation went something like this:
Jackie: Mr. Pusateri, do you use a bill pay system?
Me: Yes, have the payments not been arriving.
Jackie: No, to the contrary, you are a very regular payer. The opposite of most of the problems we have.
Me: And so…
Jackie: And so since you have been paying us so regularly, you are paid up until well into 2009.
Me: … um … wow …
Jackie: Yes, so Mr. Pusateri you need to stop paying us for four years, you are maxing out our billing systems.
Me: OK, I’ll cancel the payment. So when I use up my credit, you’ll send me a bill?
Jackie: Yes, your next bill will be in four years.
Me: Right. Talk to you in four years.
I’m not sure what happened, whether they lowered their prices or I calculated wrong, but I am Paid in Advance!

More Animal Drama

Last night Piper the dog goes outside to wander around the backyard a bit. I refer to this as patrolling. This time was a bit special though. On her patrol, Piper starts barking up a storm, which is normal, and running around in circles, which is normal. Then she did her low growl, which is not normal.
I walked outside to see what the matter was and it was a large possum that Piper had cornered. Piper wasn’t sure what to do next.

Of course, since I am always thinking of you, the Loyal Cruft Reader, I ran inside to get a flashlight and a camera. I snapped this nice photo of the dog confronting the intruder.
The possum just sat there hissing no matter how much I loudly explained that it should be on it’s way. At Michele’s suggestion, I sprayed the possum with the hose and it ran up a tree.
I wonder what smoked possum tastes like?

The fate of old media

I was cleaning out the garage and found the pile of VCR tapes I had placed there over a year ago. In over the year, the girls had not watched any of these movies, making a complete switch to Tivo & DVDs.
We decided it was time for them to go and give me back some space in the garage of other crap. The girls helped set up a sales table and made some nice signs.

They were selling the old VHS tapes for $1 each. What a deal, you say? They’ll be gone instantly right, I mean it’s only a dollar?
Well, people would stop by to see what was for sale and invariably be upset that there were no DVDs. Who wants tapes these days they would say. In the end, the girls sold about $20 worth of movies. I gave the rest to Goodwill to end up in their old movies bin.
Mark this lesson as to the value of old media. The same movie would have been worth 10 times more if it had been on DVD. Same exact movie, different playback format.
What is the fate of DVD movies once electronic movies take root? Will the Blu-Ray & HD-9 next generation discs get traction in the marketplace? Who can tell?
Looking at the piles of worthless eight-track tapes and video cassettes across America, it’s hard to imagine the cycle not continuing over and over.

Xbox 360 & Keyboards

This weekend I borrowed the Xbox 360 we have at work to bring home and check out in the ‘familiy environment’.
In general, the experience has been positive. Easy hook up and smooth start-up had the girls playing within minutes. They have been playing Project Gotham Racing and Kameo. They love the co-op mode of Kameo.
In HD, the Xbox 360 truly shines. The images are spectacular to even non-gamers. The general interface is responsive and easy to navigate. Overall, I am impressed with how good the complete package is.
The one drawback is the controller. After the girls went to bed, I played Call of Duty 2. I have the game on PC and am a generally competitive player of FPS games. Trying to learn the controls was difficult but eventually I began to start racking up the kills.
That said, I think that the fact that Microsfot does not allow a keyboard and mouse for FPS games is a crime. Even if I ‘mastered’ the controller, it would still not come close to the precision and responsiveness of keyboard & mouse.
The Xbox 360 is a highly specialized PC and there are no technical issues in allowing keyboard/mouse control. The issue is termed ‘the level playing field’. Evidently it is recognized that keyboard/mouse control in FPS is better than controllers and that to make sure there is a level playing field, they refuse to allow keyboards and mice.
That, IMHO, is a silly plan. Saying ‘We know our controller sucks, but we insist you all suck equally at the lowest common denominator’. I mean really. After a few months of release, a third party vendor made a keyboard/mouse adapter for the original Xbox. Why can’t Microsoft simply enable keyboard & mouse and save all the pain.

21 Months and kaput

In February 2004 Michele and I both got new mobile phones. The Nokia 3650s served us pretty well.
My phone started to die this summer and we ended up getting Michele a new Samsung SGH-D500 and I took over using her Nokia. Last weekend we were over at friend house and their two year-old dropped my phone in the toilet it seems. The Phone was soaking wet and after several days, it still refuses to function.
I’m in the market for a new phone and I call upon Loyal Cruft Readers for advice. What phone should I get?
Things I want in a phone:
Tri-band – good radio
Sound – good audio quality on calls
Camera – 1+ Megapixel would be nice, flash would be cool
MMS & SMS messaging
Things that don’t matter to me in a phone:
PDA capability

Winter at the Zoo

On Saturday, I took the girls to the Los Angeles Zoo. They had four reindeer on display that we wanted to see and there was a discount on the family membership.
We saw all kinds of good stuff like the tiger cubs playing with their mother, the monkeys swinging around, and almost every other exhibit in the place. We forgot the Koala exhibit, but we’ll catch it next time.
Starbucks was sponsoring some of the winter activities and giving away free coffee. As we were leaving the Zoo, there was a barista with a special coffee dispensing backpack. It was truly impressive with a cup dispenser and spigot on a hose connected to large coffee tanks on his back.

I need to find a way to borrow one of these. I’d love to wander the halls at the office dispensing coffee from a special backpack.