Here are a few images of my vacation. Most of these shot are by cousin James and his super D70…
A view from the beach house looking to the Atlantic
Zoe showing who is in charge.
We didn’t have broadband access, so we used a single dial-up
to feed five computers with net access via wifi on one of the Macs.
Zoe playing in the surf.
Here I am reading The Confusion by Neal Stephenson.
I was using the computer to look up French terms and English history.
When I get some more time, I will put together a gallery of more pictures.
Are you wearing a sweater in that pic with zoe on your back? =)
Damn..beat me to it 🙂
Damn, that’s alot of laptops for a vacation. Are we all so dependent on the InterWeb (Google)?
Ah, the third picture makes me sooo proud of you guys. Six laptops while on vacation. Wonderful.
holy shit thats a hairy back
Hey… go easy on Mike. By some genetic fluke, he received 95% the hairy back/arms/neck DNA designated for the two of us.
As a trade off, he got 70% of the brains, 82% of the math and science skills, and 95% of the speedreading genes. On the other hand, he only recieved 9% of the dancing and rhythm DNA, which I guess sorta evens it all out.
Well, Mike, it’s nice to see your brother’s got your back.
(I’m sorry, I couldn’t resist.)
You guys can say whatever he wants in that beach shot…I think Michael is gorgeous. Good for him he has a wife and two daughters, but I still say it’s too bad he is straight. Still, I love the way he writes that he is “hetero, but willing to learn.” Maybe he really will post more pictures like he says he will…