Taxes Done!

For the first time in about ten years, I did my own taxes. We had been having our accountant doing them since we lived in San Francisco. For the last several years I had been getting extensions and putting off the taxes until October each year, paying a premium for the accountant to handle things. Quite a slacker I was.
The guys at work convinced me that the Turbo Tax software on the net was completely kick ass and easy to use. I was dubious at first but I had faith and and tried it anyways. I had gathered the info over the weekend and did all the data entry in about 90 minutes. Easy as cake.
We are getting a sweet little refund direct deposited into our bank account and I am filled with relief. I heartily recommend online tax filing via Turbo Tax.


9 thoughts on “Taxes Done!”

  1. Uh, Yes Mr Pusateri, this is David Smith from the IRS, there seems to be a problem with your tax statement this year and we are going to be putting a lean against all of your possessions. If you have any questions, please give me a call at 1-800-829-4933 or you can visit our web site at
    Thank you,
    D Smith.

  2. It was easy for you because you understand all the terms used. Too bad you cannot share your understanding.
    I heard one woman complaining because she didn’t understand many terms and couldn’t find the definitions easily on Turbo Tax.

  3. I used the Turbo Tax software this year (I may try the net version next year), and I have to agree Turbo Tax totally kicked ass.

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