For the first time in about ten years, I did my own taxes. We had been having our accountant doing them since we lived in San Francisco. For the last several years I had been getting extensions and putting off the taxes until October each year, paying a premium for the accountant to handle things. Quite a slacker I was.
The guys at work convinced me that the Turbo Tax software on the net was completely kick ass and easy to use. I was dubious at first but I had faith and and tried it anyways. I had gathered the info over the weekend and did all the data entry in about 90 minutes. Easy as cake.
We are getting a sweet little refund direct deposited into our bank account and I am filled with relief. I heartily recommend online tax filing via Turbo Tax.
9 thoughts on “Taxes Done!”
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Uh, Yes Mr Pusateri, this is David Smith from the IRS, there seems to be a problem with your tax statement this year and we are going to be putting a lean against all of your possessions. If you have any questions, please give me a call at 1-800-829-4933 or you can visit our web site at
Thank you,
D Smith.
I’m still procrastinating
It was easy for you because you understand all the terms used. Too bad you cannot share your understanding.
I heard one woman complaining because she didn’t understand many terms and couldn’t find the definitions easily on Turbo Tax.
“We are getting a sweet little refund…”
…thx j00 prez bUsH
I used the Turbo Tax software this year (I may try the net version next year), and I have to agree Turbo Tax totally kicked ass.
I prefer to keep my accountant employed because I just don’t wanna mess with it.
the line is “easy as pie” not “easy as cake” cake is tougher you have frost it and stuff.
It is (how you say?) “piece of pie.”
Thank you Some Cosmonaut for getting my subtle joke…