There are a number of anti-war protests going on today. I read this in a Yahoo News story:
In Cincinnati, several hundred people gathered in a downtown park to call for a U.S. troop withdrawal. Claire Mugavin, clad in a biohazard suit, pretended to look for weapons of mass destruction beneath benches and garbage cans.
“We figure they’re not in Iraq,” said the 24-year-old Cincinnati resident. “So we figured we’d come look for them in Fountain Square.”
On Saturday I was driving north from New Jersey to Albany NY for a lan-party and I passed 3 vehicles in the slow lane. The license plates were from Maryland and Carolina, and the exteriors were patchworked with anti-war bumperstickers.
Each car and van was filled to capacity and it was evident from the blankets and pillows that they had been driving for a fairly long time. I assumed that they were heading up to the NYC protest march that was to kick off at noon.
Another impression I got from the momentary glance was that I was looking into a series of 1960’s time capsules (given the clothing, hairstyles, etc.)
Serious question…does anyone actually think we hand power over by June 30th?
Sure, but I don’t think that means what a lot of people think it means. Handing over power > packing up and going home.
Americans civilians and military will be in Iraq a LONG time. The handover is just another baby step in the long road to complete autonomy – which will not occur until far later.
That should’ve read “handing over power is not equal to packing up and going home.”
Take a good long look at the photos from this weekend’s protests. Think about what they’re really saying. These are people who are against a free press in Iraq. Against the right to vote. Against the right to protest. Against *freedom*.
If they don’t realize that then they are either stupid or haven’t given more than a moment’s thought to the logical end of their proposed policies.
I want to know how many of these protestors really understand what is going on in Iraq. I bet 50% could not point to Iraq on an unlabeled globe. People get snippets of information from Headline News and then get outraged and feel they are doing their part by protesting. Be pro-war, be anti-war, I don’t care; just be informed. And I know most of these people are out there protesting for the sake of protesting.
I wonder if they realize that if the parties they claim to support actually came to power that they wouldn’t be ALLOWED to protest. If Bush really WAS Hitler they’d all have been shot by now.