Today I got home from work, open my email and a couple inbound virus warning popped up. One of the virus laden emails was strange.
Yes, that looks like Michele sent me a virus. But it didn’t come from her. It came from someone that has both my email address and Michele’s in their address book.
That narrows down the list of possibilities quite a bit to close friends and family. So, friends and family, if you read this and you aren’t running anti-virus software, I think you should.
Everyone should be running anti-virus software, this means YOU!
OK. Just did it cause you told me to.
antivirus is on par with the antichrist. I have NEVER used antivirus software in my 10+ years of excessive computing. I’ve had a virus or two but I’ve learned from them, I know how to be a EDUCATED and RESPONSIBLE netizen. I read my email in text only mail client, I don’t use Internet Explorer, I don’t even use windows anymore except at work.
All antivirus software does is add overhead to an already bloated windows operating system. Therefore, I advocate education and proactive prevention as opposed to relying on software that somebody else wrote to protect yourself from, well, yourself. When people get viri, the problem is not the internet or the computer, the problem is the user.
And yes, I’m telling you how I really feel. I’m tired of this viris virus/spyware crap.