I love my wife, but… #213

Why must my wife hang damp bras on the doorknobs around the house for days on end?
Are they air-curing like some sort of ham? Why doorknobs? Why just the bras?
I’m told once my daughters get older, they will be hanging even more things around the house.
Can I buy a women’s undergarments dehydrator somewhere and put it out of sight?


    7 thoughts on “I love my wife, but… #213”

    1. At our house, J usually hangs hers on the shower nozzle. Since she takes baths, this means they’re not in *her* way.
      Guess who here takes showers?…

    2. Ha ha. Any guy who lives in a house where a female also lives will be able to sympathize with you Michael.
      Ferro Lad: In your situation, I’d just take my shower as normally as I could. She’ll eventually learn that the shower head is NOT the best place to hang them… that and guys really ARE that lazy. 🙂

    3. Believe it or not, the house we are about to move into in October actually has a drying cupboard in the master bath. On the outside it looks like a regular cupboard, but when you open it you can see that is has all kinds of places to hang things. And, there is a fan built into the cupboard on a timer. It’s the first time I’ve seen such a thing, and while at first I questioned its usefulness, after your blog I’m beginning to appreciate that feature more and more.

    4. Wow Paul. Am I jealous! I hang them on hangers on the door frame of our master bath. I wish I could get them so easily out of sight. Your new house must be terrific.

    5. Wow I this is great, you would be the perfect people to by my new product!
      I am doing my A-levels at the moment and I have decided to make a bra hanger, to have several bras on at a time to dry.
      Any helpfull comments would be welcomed.Such as your personal need for my product and any qualities that you think it could realistically have.

    6. I’m an engineer and the crafty bra-hangers I like around my house are about 25, short, and blonde.

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