One of the things I did this weekend was put up some new shelves over my desk.
I didn’t trust the undersupports alone. I added the side braces as well for double security. We live in earthquake country don’tcha know….
Here’s the completed shelving…
While I’m posting photos, I might as well show you a few of the boxes and boxes of Girl Scout cookies in the dining room.
Yes, we are part of the Girl Scout Mafia. Buy our damn cookies. Lots of them…
I have been told that several of you are uncomfortable with the dancing images below. What is wrong with you people? It’s just my toe and picture my 4 year old daughter drew. You all have perverted minds. I think you watch too much network television.
It appears that the Reverse Cowgirl is Audblogging. It appears that she is quite the lightweight with an evening in NYC consisting of only 3 martinis. 3 Martinis are but a warm up…
Take a listen to her audblog. I mean, who can disagree with a woman who says “if I don’t get a show about sex on TV, like, the terrorists win, this is just that important…”
Geek Mode
So I’m at the Kings Hockey game with my wife and daughter, explaining the finer points of icing, checking and other fun stuff to the seven year old, when I catch wind of the conversation next to me. Two teenage boys are arguing…
Teenager #1: “Dude, I could so beat you with an AK.”
Teenager #2: “Dude, I could so beat you with an AWP.”
They are talking about Counter-strike.
Teenager #1: “Naw dude, you suck with the AWP.”
Teenager #2: “I do not! I fucking rock.”
Teenager #1: “No way dude, I could beat you with just the nine.”
Teenager #2: “Hah, I could beat you with just the knife.”
…and so on for 10 more minutes…
I consider blurting out the comments in my head, but I refrain. I will now blurt them out here.
Why are you playing fucking Counter-Strike? It’s almost FIVE FUCKING YEARS OLD! It’s the damn Quake 2 engine.
There are dozens of better team based games out there today. The Urban Terror mod for Q3A, Tribes 2, Return to Castle Wolfenstein, UT2K3, Battlefield 1942. Why are you playing crappy old CounterStrike?
Move on. Get a real game…
Lastly, three days untill SXSW
7 thoughts on “Catch Up”
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Heh, CS is still pretty darn fun… All of the other games you mention are graphically superior, but CS runs on ancient hardware, it runs fast, it’s balanced, and there are a million and a half custom maps available out there.
We’re playing CS on TWL now… Our squad is named the “Hans Blix Inspection Team”. 🙂
CS is so full of hacks and cheats that it can hardly be called balanced. Yes, Halflife/Counterstrike can run on a P233, but in every other way is sucks.
You know the Q3A mod Urban Terror is better…
perhaps i’ve seen too much Sopranos, but the lone toe seems more like a gambling debt repaid than a jovial body part.
haha, you should have jumped in their faces and screamed “3y3 wi11 pwn j00 4ll w1f my p90 of POWAH!!!!!!!!!!!!”
CounterStrike is so fun. =)
I am going to have to disagree on this subject. Although filled with hacks and cheatcodes aplenty, CounterStrike is by far, still one of the most enjoyable first-person cooperatives. And sometimes, it’s not about the graphic quality, but the gameplay.
Yes CS is loaded with ch347s and H4x0Rz, but there are anti-cheat mods out there. Also, if you are a member of a gaming “clan” you can game with a bunch of folks who are militant anti-cheaters and participate in ladder matches where cheating is outlawed (and enforced by demo reviews).
Yeah, pubbing is problematic if you jump on a server without the h4X0r guards on it. I simply don’t play on those servers.
Re: Martinis.
James Thurber observed “One is all right, two is too many, and three is not enough.”.
Sorry, it took me a while to track down the quote.