
In my work email inbox there are 479 messages, with 41 of them unread. Would it really be so bad if I deleted them all and started fresh?


    8 thoughts on “Email”

    1. I’ll bet you would find the experience very liberating.
      I’d like to see e-mail clients automatically move messages to the trash after a user specified expiration date of say, two weeks.

    2. Dear Computer Expert:
      I am a long time reader of your blog-yours was the first I’ve ever read. I have a question I’m hoping you can help me with. I am trying to post pictures to my new blog and when I click browse to choose a picture already on my computer, nothing happens. This happened at my old blog too, but not every time. I’m sure it’s something to do with my computer, but I don’t know what. Shutting down the computer and re starting it did not help. When and if you have the time, I’d greatly appreciate an email or a response here. Many thanks for the help and the laughs and the interesting reading.

    3. Every so often, I delete everything older than, say, three months from my inbox, but we only get 100MB of email storage on out work accounts.
      If you have more storgae, why not just create a folder for each month, and dump email from that month in there? That way, you will still have the mail messages, but not the full inbox.

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