Pooh Camp Story, ver. egoboost

At the office, I helped (with a bunch of other people) get a version of the O’Reilly Foo Camp launched. Some people know the concept as an Unconference or Barcamp. Since we are Disney, we tweaked the name a bit to Pooh Camp to put our own spin on it (and to avoid infringing on O’Reilly IP 😉 ). Actually we spoke with Tim O’Reily and Sara Winge when we did the first one. Sara explained that many of the concepts are from the book Open Space Technology.
The story covers the second Pooh Camp we threw. You can see the Pooh Camp Flickrstream for all kinds of pictures.
For my part, actually I mainly sat in a comfy chair pontificating while others did all the work to make it happen. Obviously, this leads to me being quoted in an article for Corporate Meetings and Incentives, a magazine for people that worry about Corporate Meetings and Incentives.
You can read the article online at the Meetingsnet.com site or you can download a PDF version of the story.
The PDF version is good with pictures of yours truly and a nice layout. You’ll dig the nicely staged cover photo and the image of me with a bullhorn…
In either case, my mother will be happy.


One thought on “Pooh Camp Story, ver. egoboost”

  1. Hi Mike and Max Boober here. I recently heard that the Beastie Boy’s were releasing a new album and that made me think of the two of you. So I wrote myself an action item to contact you. My flawless address book provided me absolutely no insight on your current email address so I googled for DTD.
    Well that was a waste of time my vision of finding a list of RPI Delt Alum email addresses was not retrievable within my attention span (90 seconds).
    Boy googling on Mike Pusateri certainly was easy.
    I enjoyed the cheeto story and did not really understand the Pooh Camp story. I think I am lacking some context. I should study my diddlies and reread it.
    Martha and I are living in SSF. We have been here since 2000.
    We are well. We focus our attention on our 9 lb dog and the infinite number of house projects.
    I have been enjoying self-inflicted unemployment since the end of March.
    Drop me a line so I have your current info.
    Hi to Max
    Later YF BOOBER
    PS Sorry to abuse your BLOG this way.
    PS I am not really sorry at all ! I am sure there has been more abuse of this space then my dull rant.

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