Green Shrek Cheetos

Today I was heading home with Mira and we stopped by 7-Eleven for a snack. We were in the savory aisle when we spied this.

Yes, look closer…

Turn Thy Tounge Shrek Green!
This was impossible to resist so we picked up a couple bags and headed home. Food that changes the color of your body simply must be tested.

Taking a look, they look like normal Cheetos with the unnatural orange color and crumple shaped. Upon close examination, there is no hint of green.

Zoe snapped one in half and we saw a normal Cheetos color with no greeness.
So, into the mouth went the Cheetos.

Sure enough, Zoe’s tongue was green after just 4-5 Cheetos.

I ate a half dozen and smushed them around my mouth. Again, the green tongue was in evidence. The Green Shrek Cheetos do turn thy tongue green!

We couldn’t stop at this and had to get Piper the dog involved. We gave her a small bowl of Cheetos. She looked up at me as if to say, “This is a trap, right?”

Of course it was a trap, as I wrestled with the dog, braving her fangs, to get a photo of her green tongue. The Cheetos worked on the dog as well!

Zoe figured out that it was water activating the hidden green dye. Here you can see a couple of Cheetos floating in water with the green dye leaking out.
Well done Cheetos! The girls and I love them.


7 thoughts on “Green Shrek Cheetos”

  1. I love your experiments, particularly the food ones. They are always interesting and entertaining. Please don’t ever stop.

  2. Only you would think of such fun things to do. What a world of discovery you open up for the girls!
    ! what did Mira think?

  3. I bought a big bag of those for my 3 year old quads, without reading the bag too closely. Much hilarity ensued at the table as we searched for a green marker we assumed the kids must have been passing around to generate the effect. It took a while, but I finally vaguely remembered Shrek being on the Cheetos bag and was able to put it all together.

  4. I saw THE OMEN and THE SHINNING at around age 11… this is pound for pound scarier… the scariest thing, I have ever seen! I am a big black guy… we don’t scare easy.

  5. I saw THE OMEN and THE SHINNING at around age 11… this is pound for pound scarier… the scariest thing, I have ever seen! I am a big black guy… we don’t scare easy.

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