And so it begins

Yesterday the phone rang and I picked it up.
It was a boy, calling for my eldest daughter.
I handed the phone to my daughter and a big grin crossed her face and she twirled in place as she put the phone to her ear.
“Hello, I’ve been waiting for your call…”, she said into the phone, while motioning me away from her.
I knew this day would come, but didn’t really want to arrive just yet.


    10 thoughts on “And so it begins”

    1. For the peace of mind this brings you, as a parent, you have done your job well.
      Give them room to breathe, and pray that they learn from their mistakes as you did, and your parents before you.
      I was once where you are now, and now we have a new son (in-law). So goes the circle of life.

    2. Who the hell is calling my niece??? Not sure if I approve of this whatsoever… I really, really hope I never have daughters. Not sure I could cope…

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