
What I did this weekend:


11 thoughts on “Priceless”

  1. What the hell kind of plywood are you using that cost’s $30 a sheet?
    It looks nice though, I’m impressed.

  2. Mister P. you are either one sick puppy or a very funny man. Glendor this one made me laugh, as I have had some designs end up, with less than desirable results. Overengineered?

  3. $30 a sheet? Must be some sort of hippie-California, save-the-owl, surcharge. 🙂

  4. Michael,
    What kinda pansy-ass hinges are you using there? Can they take the weight of one sheet of ply? Get yerself a piano hinge pronto.
    Don’t know why, but somehow I expected there was a Gimp joke in there somewhere…

  5. Thank you, Bill, for making me feel less manly by getting it wrong. 🙂
    However, I stand by the piano hinge suggestion.

  6. Do you have a cover for your spa cover for when it rains?
    Looks like something Toucan would build.

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