Weblogs & America

Before the blogosphere echo chamber shatters itself with hype, perhaps those frothing over the impact of blogs on society should take a deep breath and read about how most Americans have never heard of them.
A tidbit to entice you -> “But as of late February, when this poll was conducted, only 3% of Americans said they read blogs every day. Fewer than one in six, 15%, read blogs at least a few times a month.”
Let the flames begin!


8 thoughts on “Weblogs & America”

  1. This sounds familiar to me. Remember back during the “internet boom” how “huge” the net was? Only to find that the majority of america didn’t even have a connection and fewer had computers! Oh yeah and then the boom was over and there was no more homegrocer.com or kosmo.com (boo hoo hoo)!

  2. I meant koZmo.com… it’s been so long. Oh and I meant the majority didnt have computers and fewer had a connection. I proofread good.

  3. It’d be wrong to dismiss the influence of blogs based on this poll. Look no further than Rathergate or the various revelations about the NY Times…
    And the numbers on any computer related topic tends to grow exponentially over time, be it computer ownership, broadband penetration, or blog readership. It’s big, and it’s only going to grow.
    Also, FWIW my local grocer has instituted a home delivery service, and it’s wonderful. http://www.acmemarkets.com. Love it, love it, love it. Rather than dying, these services are taking a momentary step back. They’ll return, and will be done right next time.

  4. totally. out in the real world, which i venture out to every so often, i still find hardly anyone who really knows about/reads blogs.
    and dont get me started on friggin podcasts…

  5. Offtopic here:
    I read about Disney transferring their IT personnel to IBM and ASC (outsourced)
    I hope you were not affected by the move!
    BTW – We still need to have that drink !

  6. This is like all the people who were shocked, SHOCKED I tell you, that Bush was re-elected. They wondered “how is it possible that the rest of the country doesn’t think like I do?”
    MOST people do not watch Jon Stewart.
    MOST people do not read blogs.

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