Lowly dogs, bow your heads

Pay attention denizens of Los Angeles, I have news that affects you! Spread the news!
Last May I went to see GWAR perform. I had a great time and afterward had several people say, “If I would have known, I would have gone with you.”
I am giving all you fair warning that GWAR is coming to Los Angeles on December 3rd, at the Key Club in Hollywood.
Hear me now, you WILL go see GWAR when they come to town “to play heavy metal and split some fucking skulls!” Bowing down to GWAR as our masters is an experience not to be missed.
You cannot resist the call of Oderous Urungus, Flattus Maximus, and Beefcake the Mighty! Buy your tickets TODAY. Do not delay or hem and haw over this. You simply must attend the GWAR concert.
I do not want to hear any bullshit about your plans to watch TV or snuggle with the missus. Reserve December 3rd as a night of mayhem, skull splitting, and getting covered in strange colored fluids in a mosh pit.


7 thoughts on “Lowly dogs, bow your heads”

  1. You Will Go See GWAR

    “Hear me now, you WILL go see GWAR when they come to town “to play heavy metal and split some fucking skulls!” Bowing down to GWAR as our masters is an experience not to be missed. You cannot resist the…

  2. You’re a madman!
    I’ve seen loads of metal bands in the last 20 years of concert-going, but I have never desired to go to a GWAR show. I just don’t have the required need to get covered in vile goo.
    But I was curious about them when they used the giant penis onstage as a prop.
    Har. \m/

  3. Godzilla, Kiss, and the Circus are riding on a train. The train derails and Gwar is created.
    Oh yeah, there’s music on the train.

  4. I would LOVE to go with you…except that I am watching your children that night…
    Let your wife go to Skinny Puppy with me THIS Saturday and I’ll go to GWAR next Friday XP

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