
Yesterday we traveled for over twelve hours and returned home after a week of vacation in the Outer Banks of North Carolina.
I had hoped to write a little about it last night but faced over 1,200 comment spams waiting for me to clean up. As a result, once I finished that, I was ready only for sleep.
I hope you all have been well and have a good week.


5 thoughts on “Return”

  1. I’m sure you have it implemented but I can’t recommend MTBlacklist enough. I was getting deluged with comment spam on the 4 blogs I host and MTB has reduced the deluge to a trickle.

  2. I do use mt-blacklist.
    Most of the time it works, but on July 4th, the comment spammers hit me hard with new sites. There were clumps of 75-100 spams per site. Lots of .uk stuff.

  3. Glad to hear you enjoyed the Outer Banks. I got the lowdown on the vaca from James and it sounds like your guys had a good time. I have to remind myself once in a while that I actually lived down there for a year.

  4. It got hit with the same comment/spam. Thanks for making your blacklist.txt available, it made it easy for me to import and get rid of them.

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