Duty Fufilled

I spent my second day on the jury during voir dire and I thought I would end up on the final jury panel. Out of the blue, the defense attorney said “Juror #12, thank you for your time.” With that I completed my duty. Being on the trial would have been interesting, but I must admit some relief.
In other news, I order a new Toyota Prius today with all the options. The trusty Oldsmobile Intrigue is well past it’s prime. I am looking forward to the GPS navigation system with audible directions.
That’s all for now. Back to your regularly scheduled web surfing.


2 thoughts on “Duty Fufilled”

  1. weeee no jury duty! I agree it would be interesting to take part in the judical system like that, but the thought of the inconvience always makes it a relief when you get out of it.
    I was only called for jury duty once, I showed up, but over half of the people who were called did not. So we all got dismissed and they tried again.

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