
I finished Down and Out in the Magic Kingdom this morning. My self restraint is low and I blew through the book.
I enjoyed the story and can’t seem to get whuffie ideas out of my head.
Michele is leaving for a four day trip tomorrow and I need to get some rest.
The expansion for Battlefield 1942, Road to Rome, arrived today and I played for a little bit. The seems to be some problem with the sound. I’ll check for a patch tomorrow.
At the office we recieved one of the new 12″ Mac laptop computers. While many Macaddicts drool over this computer, I saw it as nothing more than a prop for a gag photo.

The web page is courtesy of Mister P.
I pondered quite a bit about how to show my disrespect. I couldn’t think of a funny thing to show me doing to the computer. The best I could do was put it in the microwave and threaten to cook it.

What should I have done to the laptop?


13 thoughts on “Knees”

  1. You should’ve taken it to bed and snuggled with it. Apples are warm/fuzzy.
    BTW – with BF 1942, try patching to 1.3. If you have an AUDIGY card, make sure you check
    “Hardware Acceleration.” There’s a known problem with the BF1942 and the Audigy cards and it’s “in trouble city” if you don’t do that.

  2. Yeah, we still play it. It really is a great game. It’s totally spoiled me on MMORPGs. I tried DAOC and when I ran all the way down the continent in like 15 minutes, I realized just how huge the world in WW2OL is. =)
    Actually I hate it when people compare BF1942 and WW2OL, the only similarity between the two games are the fact that you can drive a take or fly a plane and that it’s the Allies vs. the Axis.

  3. you seent the commercial where Yoa Ming has the 12″ and Mini Me (Vern) has the 17″ and they are sitting next to each other on the airplane?
    Like you said… a prop.

  4. I wonder which device would come out that deal worse, the powerbook or the microwave running with a metal object in it… I’m betting on one heck of a light show regardless. 😉
    So, seriously, what’d you think of the 12″PB size/weight?

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