It’s a little before 7AM and I’m up with Zoe. She’s playng Animal Crossing on the Gamecube. I’m laying on the couch with the new laptop.
Yes, you heard right, new laptop. I finally took the plunge yesterday and after doing much research bought a HP ze4220 notebook computer. It’s got a ton of whiz bang features even a combo DVD/CD-R writer drive.
I booted it up last night after the kids were asleep and Michele and I watched as the computer booted for the first time. In short order I was downloading all the recent patches and slapped in the wireless card. For all the issues that exist with Microsoft, I have to admit that Windows XP is one smooth piece of software. I unplugged the network cable and the laptop switched to the wireless card seamlessly. I am quite happy.
Today is the geocaching picnic. I prepared the mini-caches last night that I’m going to place at the park for the others to find. It should be a good time. I’m going to place them early and then hopefully pick up a lunch at Kentucky Fired Chicken. I know it’s not the healthiest place to eat, but it sure does work good for picnics.
I don’t have any great linkage for you all this moring. I need to eat some breakfast and drink a cup of coffee now. Later.