Bud Selig Must Go

For the good of baseball, Bud Selig must go.
This is beyond the pale.


19 thoughts on “Bud Selig Must Go”

  1. Bud Selig has finally reached the bottom. By opening the door for Pete Rose’s return to baseball, he has disgraced even the office of the baseball commissioner.
    Rose gambled on baseball. He gambled on the Reds as their manager. He was banned from baseball forever, an appropriate decision.
    Now Bud Selig has taken the first steps toward undoing Rose’s banishment, moving stealthily toward making Rose eligible for the Hall of Fame.
    When Mickey Mantle and Willy Mays served as hosts for gambling casinos, they were banned from major league baseball events. Therefore, according to Bud Selig, Rose’s actions were less serious than those of Mantle and Mays!
    Even after 82 years, Shoeless Joe Jackson, who did NOT fix the 1919 World Series, is banned from the Hall of Fame.
    After all his other foulups, this one is the final straw. I’ve come to expect a lot of buffoonery from Baseball Commissioners, but even thinking of allowing Rose back into Major League Baseball is too disgusting for me.
    Bud Selig must be fired. Period.

  2. I don’t care if Rose goes into Hall as he deserves it. Do NOT let him back on the field. He bet on baseball, BUD!!!!

  3. So Pete Rose bet on baseball big deal he didn’t fix any games.
    How many times was Steve Howe let back in the game for using drugs

  4. Rose, not only bet on baseball,he served a felony prison term for income tax evasion on income earn from baseball shows, further showing his total lack of respect for the game. Pete Rose is for Pete, the game owes him nothing, just ask why his teamates called him Charlie Hustle, a negative nickname for an egocentric asshole.

  5. Rose belongs in the Hall of Fame, period.
    What hateful, illegal things did he do while a player? Thats what gets him into the Hall, not his manager actions. And if we are talking about disgusting, lets look at the coincidence of the Hall board making the ban effective the first year Rose was eligible. Lets look at the 100 players who just tested positive for steroids and who are still in uniforms.
    What did his gambling and lying have to do with his playing days? Well, what?
    People condemn Rose while others get away with accusing him of fixing games which did not happen. Is Rose supposed to be fair game for hateful, hostile lectures?
    As for the person who posted the message about it all being disgusting, I suppose you have never done anything wrong.

  6. Bud Selig has screwed the league over. How can major league baseball benefit when all of the all stars are on 1 team.(Yankees) He has to put a salary cap in. SO he rejects the Arod deal to the Red Sox, I thought good finally a good decision to let a bad team keep AROD. Then he allows the Yankees to get him. That is Bull shit. I am tired of Selig’s favoritism to the yankees. I say screw Selig and screw baseball. Selig is the biggest fucking joke ever to Major League Baseball.

  7. Dear Baseball Friends,
    I have been a baseball fan since I could say Rick Moday. However, the latest baseball news has given me cause for great distress. I have two major issues in which I would like to share.
    First of all, I would like to express my displeasure about the steroid issue. Having players like
    Bonds, Giambi, and Sosa pump their bodies full of steroids is a “huge” black eye to fans and non drug using players like Frank Robinson, Hank Aaron, Willie Mayes, Carl Yazstremski, Harmon Kilabrew, and thousands of other great players. These big headed players have gained their records and statistics unfairly. I can’t be a big fan of any player that has used illegal substances to enhance their strength.
    Secondly, the balance in baseball is in a state that no longer makes the pennant race enjoyable.
    All other major sports have found a way to balance teams economically to create competition, parody, and fairness. Baseball is way behind the times. With the recent trade for A-Rod the Yankees have again bought their way to a championship before the season has even started. There should be no “Yankee Pride” in that! This is the straw that broke the camels back for me. While it is true that teams like the Angels do sometimes shock the world, three out of four times the teams that have the most cash buy themselves an excellent chance at winning the pennant. My time would be best spent cheering on little leaguers, the high school athletes, the college players, and the minor leaguers who do not do cheat the game I once loved.
    Steve Starzyk (former fan of MLB)

  8. What I care about more is having a SALARY CAP in baseball, and aparently selig is not making it happen. A-rod is now on the yankees because there’s no SALARY CAP!

  9. bud selig is ruining baseball along with george steinwhatever. a-rod to the yankees is just rediculous. when was the last time the yankees actually earned a world series title. there bought with the endless supply of money steinwhatever steals from the new yorkers to pay for the games they watch on tv. for selig to approve this trade just shows u how much of an idiot he is. im losing interest in baseball and im sure im not the only one. im tired of the yankees winning every year with their team of all stars that now excedes $200 million in yearly salary. if they dont win this year, it wouldn’t surprise me to see nomar garciaparra playing second base and barry bonds in the outfield. at least the pitching sucks. everyone knows u cant win without good pitching. go red sox, thanks marlins, and selig and steinbrenner can kiss my ass.

  10. let me say this, right off the bat. I hate the Yankees, and baseball is a joke and not really technically even a sport anymore. Im a Pirates fan, and it is pretty frustrating to know that the left side of the Yankee’s infield makes more than my whole team. They sign A-rod, and we sign Chris Stynes, whoever he is. Bud Selig’s got to go, and get someone in there with some balls to shake things up. Maybe the Red Sox, Yankees, Angels, and their ilk can start their own league… Well at least for now I can root for the Yankees to fall on their faces, and laugh at all their idiot cocky fans…

  11. 8 million a year..u can’t sign like one decent player with that salary cap…..thats less than football……they should have a salary cap of around 40-60 million

  12. Bud Selig by his inaction on steroids, salary disparities, the Pete Rose fiasco, the All-Star tie game, etc., etc. has again proven that he is a complete and utter joke of an executive. Wait, didn’t he used to own the Brewers? One only has to look at Barry Bonds to know that he is on steroids — even his head has gotten bigger. Isn’t that cheating to use substances that are illegal in every other sport to gain an advantage? Put and asterisk next to Bonds’ records and send Selig to Siberia where he belongs. Then maybe baseball can be saved.

  13. I think that Bud Selig is doing a great job as the commisioner of baseball and should stay there yeah he let Pete Rose back in but that is ok he never did anything to offend or harm baseball.
    now I have a questions for all of you if you could please post an answer why do they call it home plate not home dish.

  14. I agree with baseball god 15. Selig is doing a great job as commissioner. I also agree, why is it home plate and not dish? What about home platter? And why do they call line drives “on a rope?” Or why is it when you get caught between bases your in a pickle? It makes little sense. Please answer these question.
    Kyle VR
    P.S. Gib, we may get some answers.

  15. I think that, who ever that kyle guy is he has a very good point i totaly think Bud Selig has a great deal to do with thi fiasco and we need to get to the bottom of thie now!!!!!!!!!

  16. Selig must get off his duff and do something about the Yankee problem.Mainly George “moneybags”Steinbrenner.He is with out a doubt the worse thing to hit baseball.Also the DH must go.If all you can do is swing a bat, then you should not be in the game.When i played ball 50 years ago we had to hit,run,field,and throw.Lets get with it”commis”
    Bruce 2/12/04

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