
The Sopranos is over and the dish washer is running.
Part of me wants to climb into bed and read my book, part of me wants to play games, part of me wants to file some paperwork, and part of me wants to write up the geocaching trip.
The girls will be awake in 7 & 1/2 hours… What to do, what to do?


2 thoughts on “10:38”

  1. Do the most sensible thing that is good for your health. Go to bed, get some sleep. Get some rest. If you get sick: 1. you can’t play with the girls. 2. you can’t go on a geocaching trip. 3. you won’t be effective at work. 4. you won’t feel like filing your paper work. 5. you won’t have any geocaching trip to write up. 6. you won’t feel like playing your computer games. 7. YOU WILL FEEL VERY YUCKY for days.

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