
Tonight I finished the Tivo upgrade.

After spending two hours making sure I was going to enter the correct command, I expanded the Tivo and everything was good. As you can see, I have plenty of storage now.
The thing that freaked me out was that the original 30GB drive literally smoked today. I had it hooked up to the computer. When I powered up the computer with the old drive and the new drive, the old drive smoked. Literally. One of the surface mount chips glowed bright orange in a classic failure mode with smoke.
This made me nervous that I had done something wrong. I guess it was just the old drive commiting suicide when it learned the new drive was working.


I was reading Joi Ito’s Web and saw a post about Blogstreet’s thinking about sorting out ‘What’s a weblog post’ and what’s not and how to anaylze posts.
Interesting thinking and a nice little hack, but in the bigger picture, it shows the problem with people being too close to blogging. The problem is that they can’t seem to see that a person’s weblog content may not be inside a Content Management System (CMS) like Movable Type, Blogger, and Radio. Or that the content on a weblog may not be in the form of a post.
I saw a lot ot this thinking at SXSW. The idea that if you can just gather up all the weblog posts in the world and index them, you will have captured the blogosphere in totality.
I call bullshit on this.
Many, many people don’t put all their content into their CMS and post as a ‘traditional’ blog post. Look over at my front page. The Cruft Adventures are all links to full html pages. Those pages are the most hit places on this site. I get plenty of hits to direct weblog entries, but the top pages are How to wash a baseball cap and How to make a cantenna.
Theoretically, I could have put this info into a blog entry but there are two large limitations to putting all content directly into your CMS/blog post system. First, the content has to fit in with the scheme of your front page. You are limited on what you can do in the post. With a a fresh clean page of HTML, you can do anything you want, without limitation. Second, CMS/weblog permalinks are not really permanent links. They are links that last until you switch CMSs or time makes the system you use antiquated. Some may say, I’ll always use MT or Radio, but it just ain’t so. In 10 years we’ll be using something completely new and unimagined now. When you move your content to Apple’s new iBlog in 2013, they will have a new set of permalinks.
A weblog is more than just a set of posts from your CMS. In all deference to Anil Dash, a weblog is more than what can be shoved though an XML feed to an aggregator.
The more that the big thinkers in the blogosphere rabbit hole into CMS -> XML feed -> aggregator thinking, the more they exclude people from their purview. Many will say “If you don’t have an XML feed, you aren’t part of the blogosphere.” That’s like saying, “If it isn’t printed in a newspaper or magazine, it isn’t journalism. Those weblogs aren’t journalism because they don’t publish in the formats I like.”

Working Tivo

I woke up early and walked into the study to find the drive copy was complete.
I placed the new drive back in the Tivo and carefully reconnected it to the TV system.
Power was applied and happily the Tivo booted up just fine. All my content is intact and everything appears normal. My original Series 1 30GB Tivo now has a 120GB drive in it! The Tivo only thinks it a 30GB drive though.
Tonight I ‘grow’ the drive partition to the full 120 GB size. Hopefully it will go just as smooth.

Still waiting

It’s two hours later and the hard drives are still cloning.
Go to sleep and get up early to finish? Or stay up and finish before sleep?


My brother mention that there were a few things out of date on my site. So I’ve fixed a few things up here and there. Here are a few of the changes:
My mother’s weblog, egads, she’s 60+ and obsessed with blogging…
I linked to a story from 1997 about coffee, wow I’ve been posting stories on the net for almost six years.
Please let me know if you see any problems or have any questions. Most of the changes were subtle, but you never know what I may have messed up.

I got that Smappy feeling

Some people want to know what Smap is. Well, here’s me and some Smap.

As far as I can tell, Smap is both a Japanese Soft Drink and a Japanese pop band. I have not summoned the courage to drink Smap yet, but I will soon and report back.

This is what victory looks like.

That’s my new overnight parking permit that arrived in the mail. I can’t wait to change some other ordinance in South Pas.
In ohter news, Heidi is using the cool little buttons too!

Why do I leave my house?

Summer is rapidly approaching and I’ve decided to put a gable attic fan in the house to clear the hot air out. I looked up the various models on the net and saw a good deal at Home Depot. The web site said the local store had them in stock.
I drove over there and found the roofing section. The one gable fan they had was out of it’s box and had obviously been returned with parts missing. WTF? I looked around for another sealed box, but it was not to be found.
Empty handed, I drove home. It took me 4 minutes to buy the fan online. Free shipping don’tcha know! Sometimes I don’t know why I leave home…


Jake over at 8bitJoystick did a much better review of the Animatrix than I did, go read his. The whole site is good, so poke around after you read the review.
The local city paper is online. You can read the details of the Great Tree Debate at southpasadenareview.com. In this weeks paper version, there is a photo of Michele and I at the school open house on our picnic blanket. It doesn’t get much more small town that getting your picture in the paper when you are simply eating dinner.
The price of DVD burners keeps dropping. Today’s Fry’s ad shows a DVD+R/+RW on sale for $169. If only it was -R/-RW I’d be good to go. The + type don’t read in either of our DVD players.
Time for work. Mabe I’ll stop on the way and pick up a Moroccan Mint Tea Latte. Mmmm, tasty.


Do to a combination of allergies, nausea, and general feeling like crap I took the day off from work to rest at home. Ever since I ended up in the ICU after feeling sick for a while, I’ve tried to get rest when I feel bad.
This morning I finished up watching Reign of Fire, the dragons in England flick. It was OK, but left me a bit disappointed. The characters were quite over the top, but the storytelling didn’t match the characters. The story was realistic, but the it didn’t match up to the people on screen.
After that I watched part of the Animatrix DVD. I had seen part of the it ont he web, but have the DVD is much better. The animation is great and shows several different styles. If only other movies had such enveloping back stories, it would be wonderful.
Supposedly Lucas is doing some sort of Clone Wars animation before the next Star Wars movie limps to the screen, but I’m just not that interested. Lucas is a great writer and art director, but his movie direction is the suck.
I did some work email but tried to get some rest rather than just work at home instead of at the office. Michele bought me Yoshinoya for lunch, so I even had comfort food.
John Ashcroft is trying to expand the Patriot Act. When is America going to wake up to this demagogue and the peril he poses to our basic liberties.
Kill the Patriot Act.
Call your Senators and Representatives. Explain how this single issue will cost them your vote and your money. Forget about calling the White House, they don’t care what the American people think and are willing to lie to our faces.