On the road

Well I’m in beautiful Cincinnati this week. Visiting my in-laws and helping to watch the kids while Michele is at the Quilting show.

I went to a drug store today to pick up couch medicine for Mira. I spied a lovely box of DOTS there. A big 7 ounce box of DOTS. Picture coming soon as I get a chance to d/l the image off the Coolpix. Of course, you are asking the same question I did, “Is the flavor ratio the same as in the little boxes?”

Here’s the stats:
Cherry – 18
Lemon – 10
Lime – 5
Orange – 14
Strawberry – 10
Total – 57

A little different from the regular alphabetical order we’ve seen in the small boxes. Cherry still comes out way ahead, but what’s with there only being 5 limes in the whole box? I think a letter to DOTS will be in order soon.

Message to James & Ethan: Meteor Crater – Diamonds – Stuckeys

Supposedly on Monday my brother’s new site CrookDimwit.com goes live. Go and read. Mock him endlessly if it is suxx0r. Send him righteous cash through Paypal if it roxx0rs.

Beware the food coma

It’s rainy here and women are still wearing those stupid open toed shoes. I have determined there are huge genetic differences in te brain chemistry of men & women.

I wrote up another Ultima story. Read it here.

Thanks to invaluable help from James of the All-New trikster.com I am finally able to update the Dots Count:

Box Total

As you can see, for some strange reason the frequency of flavored Dots in a box is based on alphabetical order. Why is this so? I have no idea. More research is needed. If you have Dots counts, feel free to send them in.

Mexican food for lunch… food coma approaching… must go…

Women’s Shoes

I was walking into work from the parking structure this morning. I take the stairs because it’s the only exercise my sorry ass gets. A women headed down the stairs just in front of me. She walks down the stairs at a snail’s pace. WTF? I normally blaze down the stairs 2 at a time.

Then I realized, she’s wearing women’s shoes. Some sort of stupid ass sandal with no back. She’s going slow because she’s afraid her shoes will fall off otherwise.

Let me say this out in the open. Women’s shoes are the result of collective mass insanity by the fairer sex. Why else would women put up with uncomfortable shoes that can fall off your feet.

Thank God I am a man.

Random neuron firings

Been busy in RL lately. But the opinions keep flowing in my cerebellum.

Survivor – Disclaimer: I have watched a total of 1/2 of on Survivor show and 5 minutes of last night’s finale. I really didn’t watch much of it. My brother says I have no right to have an opinion on the show. Screw that. That Richard dude should not have won. He was a mean, backstabbing, nekkid jerk. He should have been booted weeks ago. ’nuff said.

Touchpads – I was over at my parents house tonight. My father is running a Mac and he uses a little touchpad instead of a mouse. This drives me insane. He needed help with Netscape and I had to use it. After five minutes of attempting to move windows & files my brain began leak out my ears. I demanded a mouse. My father grabbed the mouse off my mother’s Mac. I disconnected the foul touchpad and connected the mouse. As I moved the mouse it made an audible rattle. Rattle? WTF? I pop the mouse open and look at the rollers. I kid you not that the crud was 1/8 inch thick on the rollers. I scraped and scraped and finally made the mouse usable. Then I pushed the mouse and it went in the wrong direction. The touchpad driver must reverse the control for some ungodly reason. Undaunted I continued to try and resolve his Netscape issue. As the halves of my brain began to split apart, I finally finished the task and got his bookmarks back in order. Touchpads must be destroyed.

Quake III Arena – I booted Q3A to check out the graphics with my new GeForce. Unreal Tournament still ownzors Q3A. Them Quake players are all newbs.

Overclocking – I help Joe from work overclock his new Athlon with a pencil. Check out the pictures here.

Lastly, go check out fairtunes.com. The site give you the ability to pay your favorite bands directly. If you are a napster/scour/imesh/gnutella junkie, you need to get your ass to this site and pay up.

Important Dots News

Well, since I am brave I tried a box of Dots again today. As you may recall, I receieved a box of very nasty Dots last week.

I am happy to report that today’s box of Dots was fine. No white crusty substances at all!

For your information there were 18 Dots in the box. 5 lime, 5 orange, 4 cherry, 3 lemon, and 1 strawberry. Why only one strawberry? Only further post-lunch treats will determine if this a fluke or a anti-stawberry conspiracy.

What’s up with them traps?

I log onto Siege Perilous to do my usual lockpick run around Skara Brae to find the elusive semi-rare whips. My r33t mule skills usually allow to pick and disarm the barrels & chests with ease.

This morning I run into two barrels that I can’t seem to disarm. I wasn’t playing much attention when a barrel popped in my face. No worry I think I have 100 STR. Then I see the poison message. Level 5 poison? WTF? When did these barrels get level 5 poison? I’ve been disarming them for weeks and never had this problem. I res and go back to get the last barrel. Level 5 poison again. What a pain in the ass.

Bad Dots! Run to the hills!

Normally I enjoy a tasty sweet snack after lunch. Yesterday, one of my staff, James, brought me a box of Dots. You know, the soft, fruity gel candy you sometimes find at theaters.

Well, to my dismay, there was a very bad looking Dot inside the box.

There was some nasty white crust on top of the Dot. I examined the rest of the box and there were other quite dodgy Dots. I decided not to eat them.

I think I need to examine my candy a bit more closely from now on.