Catch Up

One of the things I did this weekend was put up some new shelves over my desk.

I didn’t trust the undersupports alone. I added the side braces as well for double security. We live in earthquake country don’tcha know….
Here’s the completed shelving…

While I’m posting photos, I might as well show you a few of the boxes and boxes of Girl Scout cookies in the dining room.

Yes, we are part of the Girl Scout Mafia. Buy our damn cookies. Lots of them…
I have been told that several of you are uncomfortable with the dancing images below. What is wrong with you people? It’s just my toe and picture my 4 year old daughter drew. You all have perverted minds. I think you watch too much network television.
It appears that the Reverse Cowgirl is Audblogging. It appears that she is quite the lightweight with an evening in NYC consisting of only 3 martinis. 3 Martinis are but a warm up…
Take a listen to her audblog. I mean, who can disagree with a woman who says “if I don’t get a show about sex on TV, like, the terrorists win, this is just that important…
Geek Mode
So I’m at the Kings Hockey game with my wife and daughter, explaining the finer points of icing, checking and other fun stuff to the seven year old, when I catch wind of the conversation next to me. Two teenage boys are arguing…
Teenager #1: “Dude, I could so beat you with an AK.”
Teenager #2: “Dude, I could so beat you with an AWP.”
They are talking about Counter-strike.
Teenager #1: “Naw dude, you suck with the AWP.”
Teenager #2: “I do not! I fucking rock.”
Teenager #1: “No way dude, I could beat you with just the nine.”
Teenager #2: “Hah, I could beat you with just the knife.”
…and so on for 10 more minutes…
I consider blurting out the comments in my head, but I refrain. I will now blurt them out here.
Why are you playing fucking Counter-Strike? It’s almost FIVE FUCKING YEARS OLD! It’s the damn Quake 2 engine.
There are dozens of better team based games out there today. The Urban Terror mod for Q3A, Tribes 2, Return to Castle Wolfenstein, UT2K3, Battlefield 1942. Why are you playing crappy old CounterStrike?
Move on. Get a real game…
Lastly, three days untill SXSW

Um, so like, er, gotta update and stuff

I’ve been a bit busy since Friday. I put up new shelves in the office, went to a Kings hockey game, replaced a power outlet, met the new neighbors, replaced a trashed geocache, played minature golf, and even managed to watch a little TV.
First, Mister P, created a new image from my broken toe photo. It’s simliar to the animated drawing of Mira’s that’s on Michele’s site. Behold.

I feel an entire genre of animated gifs coming.
In the words of Ali G, “Listen up peoples, I be tellin’ ya what youz shou be watcin'”
There are four shows you must set your Tivo/VCR to record.
Da Ali G Show – Ali G comes from Britain with brilliant humor and hijinks.
Family Business – Finally, a reality TV show I like. The story of Adam Glasser, a successful pornographer better know as Seymore Butts.
The Wire – HBO is replaying the best series of 2002. Excellent acting & dialog make this show about drugs above and beyond anything else on TV.
Six Feet Under – With The Sopranos season over, this is the best soap opera on TV.
Get up from the computer NOW and go setup the recordings. NOW!
Trust me on this. These are the best shows on TV now. Toss in my personal favorites, Good Eats, Mail Call, Conquest, Chappele’s Show, and The Daily Show, and you’ve got a plethora of entertainment choices. Strang ehow nothing good is on the big networks. CSI, West Wing are crap. Fox is crap since they canceled Firefly. It’s all crap.
Time to go spend some time with the family. I’ll post later if I get a chance.

Quick update before the next meeting at work

First, here’s a picture taken at last night’s SoCal WUG at IHOP.
It is my laptop & my pigs in a blanket. I had eaten all the bacon. Bacon tastes good.

Several friends & family, have asked about my toe. It’s fine. Really. No hurty. I don’t need to see a doctor or get an x-ray. To prove to myself how rabid you all are for every last tidbit of content, I have posted a picture of my broken toe. I dare you not to link. You can’t not link can you?
You sick bastards…

SoCal WUG baby…

I’m sitting in a booth at IHOP for the wireless user group meeting.
6:59 Getting situated with hardware. I played with Airsnare and cold see all the traffic flying by.
7:03 A crew from GenMay is here at the table next to us.
7:07 I just ordered dinner. Pigs in a blanket, side of bacon.
7:14 Still waiting to get started. The place is packed.
7:22 Diet Coke has arrived. No food. In the words of Sinistar, “I hunger!”
7:24 Meeting started. Food arrived. Talking about stickers.
7:30 They are discussing a mini-access point. I’m not sure about the details, but people are all ohing and ahing.
7:36 Color Broadband is describing the hotspot area that they put in Long Beach, CA for the city govt. Free wireless!
7:45 Long Beach is going to deploy 5 more free wireless hot zones soon.
7:50 Apple crisp & ice cream arrived. Mmmm, dessert….
8:07 Color Broadband done. Break time. Much talking.
8:22 We are in the middle of the presentation about the openbrick box. I am experiencing food coma effect from the pigs in a blanket.
8:23 I need a cup of coffee.
8:35 There are 30 concurrent connections in the room.
8:37 Meeting officially over.
8:39 Turing off the laptop now.

Thursday Three

Screw the Friday Five, it’s the Thursday Three:
Answer the following:
1) What are the best three bands making music today?
2) What are the best three movie soundtracks ever?
3) What are the best three books that should be made into movies, but haven’t yet?
My answers:
1) Cake, Green Day, The Flaming Lips
2) Flash Gordon (by Queen), Apocalypse Now, Repo Man
3) John Carter, Warlord of Mars by Edgar Rice Burroughs, Cryptonomicon by Neal Stephenson, The Moon is a Harsh Mistress by Robert Heinlein


Continuing on the Meyers-Briggs Type meme, I asked my wife, Michele to take the this personality test.
Michele is an ISFJ. You can read up on ISFJ description 1, and ISFJ description 2. It seems to fit her to a tee.
Next, I looked at the page on relationships between different types. I looked up the ENTJ/ISFJ relationship and found we have the duality relationship. After reading the description together we were quite pleased.
Here’s a quote from the description:
These relationships are the most favourable and comfortable of all intertype relationships providing complete psychological supplements. Dual partners are like two halves of a whole unit. They usually understand each others intentions without any need to say a word. Dual will naturally protect your weak points and appreciate the strong ones without asking for anything in return. Interaction with your Dual allows you to be yourself without the need to adjust to your partner like in other relationships. This often saves both partners a lot of energy which they can use for their own interesting activities. Conflicts between Duals are very rare and if there are any, they are normally short lived and solved without pain. Your Dual partner will love you just for what you are and if there is such a thing as true love then it could probably only occur in relationships of Duality.
A number of people have wondered how our marriage of a geeky engineer and a flighty artist can possibly work. “You are so different.”, people say. It appears that our differences are our strengths.
YMMV. Don’t read too much into the intertype relationships, especially if it suggests that your marriage will implode and disinegrate…


After I got back to my desk from lunch, I checked out Lukwam’s recent entry on introverts. I was intrigued and decided to look up my personality type. I took this test online.
According to the test I am ENTJ. Check ENTJ description 1, and then check out ENTJ description 2.
When I read them I think ‘Holy crap, that’s me…’
Those of you that know me in Real Life, do those descriptions fit? Or am I delusional?
Secondly, what is your personality type? Take the test & post here.