I want new eyes

After much pain and waiting for new contacts, I went to the eye doctor today. I was told I have a corneal ulcer in my left eye.

The doctor was pretty concerned. You know it’s serious when they start talking about statistics for long term damage rather than saying, “You’ll be fine.”

I was even more dismayed when he offered me Vicodin because these ulcers tend to get painful. Vicodin? WTF? That’s some serious stuff.

Yikes! I have to put anti-biotic drops in my eyes every half hour while I’m awake. Under no circumstances am I to put a contact back into my left eye until I get the go ahead from the doctor.

I’m gunna go home this afternoon and give my eyes a rest rather than sitting teary-eyed in meetings distracted from the topic at hand.

Where are my new genetically engineering eyes grown from stem cells when I need them?

Work emails

Here’s the type of good email I get at work:

In today’s conference call.

1. We will be doing some testing.

2. We should collect the results.

3. Corporate Telecom is concerned we will blow out the network with our frivolous bandwidth hogging.

4. [name removed] likes to keep to his agenda, even if nobody else is paying any attention to it.

5. There are some guys at [name removed] that I will work with on this.

6. Fark has an item about Devo today, the comments thingee is considerably more interesting/funny than the actual item.

Here’s the type of bad email I get at work:

I understand that you already spoke with [name removed] about this case.

As you know, the court has recently ordered us to produce the documents described below. Would you please forward this email to all those in your company that might have responsive documents?

Let me, or [name removed], know if you have any questions, or if you need help in gathering these documents. Thanks.

One more thing…

Before I head to bed…

My father-in-law called tonight and asked about ‘how to install linux’ on his WinXp box. A chill ran through my spine.

A straight install on a clean box is cake, but repartioning an active WinXP drive to make room for linux and getting the boot partion right is no small task for someone whose never even used linux before.

I steered him toward finding an eager graduate student to help him with this.

*crosses fingers*

Well, let’s see.

Rather than loading the dishwasher, I’ll post something.

I got the Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy DVD today. After dinner I plopped down on the couch with the girls and watched the first episode. They both seemed to enjoy it. Zoe said the Vogon poetry was funny.

Today was a meetingfest with five of them in total. During the last one I was poking myself with a pencil to stay alert. Lots to do. Too many meetings.

Spider-Man is already available on the internet for download. I can’t fathom how the MPAA thinks they could every stop this…

Yesterday I cooked a pound of bacon on the George Foreman grill. I should have bought the family sized one, Martell was right. I had to cut the strips in half and cook 4 half strips at a time. It was good eats, but slow. I did begin collecting the bacon grease in a jar. Alton Brown of Good Eats would be proud.

Ok, I gotta go the dishes now. It’s 10:21 and I want to sleep soon.


Here’s my recent stat graph from the site. I started playing around with a web stat tracekr before I got hit with the Segway Story deluge.

Quite a spike I must say.

I stayed up too late last night on the frigging computer. Now I am making a CD for Mira. I’m waiting here while the CDs are ripped so I can reorganize them onto a disc for her. I need to sit outside in the sun.


It’s past midnight and I just got back from seeing Spider-man.

It rocked. Get off your computer and go see it now.

I won’t give anything away since I hate reviews that ruin the movie. Basically they did a great job of bring the comic to life. J.K. Simmons steals the movie as J. Jonah Jameson. He is so dead on to my mental image it’s scary.

The special effects are great. Seeing Spidey fly from building to building looks smooth and natural. They replicate several classic comic images of Spider-man crouching and hanging perfectly.

The battle scenes are good and don’t rely on Matrix style effects many directors are leaning on these days.

The Hero’s Dilemma is well done and classic form. I see where they edited out the Twin Towers scene and replaced it with a post 9/11 scene as a nod to New Yorkers. In 10 years, the scene will stand out as strange, but for now it works.

The romantic angle is well done, but not to my taste. Saying more would give away too much. After seeing the movie, you’ll know what I mean. The sequel is perfectly set-up and ready to rake in another few hundred million.

Lastly, Kirsten Dunst is hot in the movie. In the one scene she is dressed up and wearing make-up, she’s supra-hot.

OK, I’m going to sleep now.