Sunday night…

Whew, another weekend draws to a close. The kids are sleeping, Michele’s up front ready for the season premiere of Sex in the City, and I’m in the study (surprise!) on the computer.

I think my adventures on Saturday took a bit out of me. While I enjoy time in the heat and sun, it does a number on my energy level. I woke up late this morning and could never really get going. I was just out of juice. I played with the girls in the spa, but it didn’t help.

Air Mira

Michele took the kids out to the park to go bike riding, but I still couldn’t get going. I even had a little spat with Michele over something stupid. Finally I fell asleep up front while the kids were watching Shrek. After a short nap, I woke and felt OK.

I cooked dinner for the kids and gave them a bath. They are tired too.

Well, here are the stories of geocaching on Satuday. There’s no picture of the slight sunburn on neck and arms…

Geocache 13 and Geocache 14

One more thing. On Saturday I made shish-kabobs for dinner. I learned the valuable lesson that you cannot cook raw potatos as part of the kabob. You need to cook the potatoes first, then skewer them. Live and learn.

Tomorrow is approaching fast. I’m not looking forward to what it holds. I can’t really talk about it, but it’s not going to be a good day where I get a lot done. It will involve much sitting in conference rooms being serious.


After work I went to the weblog meetup in Glendale. It was at a billiards place. I grabbed a beer and soon met Susan, the only other person there for the meetup. It turns out that Susan has written several books and is quite web saavy. We chatted for a while about all kind of things. She’s a bit more into the weblog community than I am. I tend to skim weblogs rather than visit them on a daily basis.

Martin stopped by, bringing our total to THREE!. Susan took a few pictures, so I think they will appear on her site soon. We chatted a bit more and I order a club sandwich (no tomato, no mayo). Mmmm, tasty.

We discussed that the next meetup should be in Pasadena proper and not in Glendale. Hopefully the group of attendees will grow over time.

OK, gotta go to work.


I am currently sitting in my car across the street from a place called Cafe Pop near home.

While driving home from Martin’s house, I turned on the netstumbling setup and listened to it sound off as I passed access points. As I got near home, it went off again and I pulled over.

After a bit of fiddling, I connected to the WAP and I am ONLINE in the car.

This rocks.


On my way from home to work today, I was wardriving. On my normal way to work, I picked up the following SSIDs:

Apple Network 3a6704
Mobile iBooks
Big One Network

Looks like a ripe area for WiFi access. Look at all those ‘default’ and ‘linksys’ SSIDs. Me thinks some people have less than secre networks.


I was sitting quietly at my desk when the phone rang. It was my wife. She asked about something to do with a belt she was returning for me at Macy’s. I thought, “That’s nice. Michele & Zoe are at the Paseo Colorado. I’m sure they’ll have a nice time.”

Michele casually mentioned she had some other news. I asked what it was. She said, “Zoe got her ears pierced. Want to talk to her?”

Zoe got on the phone and explained that she now had pierced ears and they it only hurt a ‘little bit’.

Wow. My daughter with pierced ears at 6 1/2 years old. I can only imagine that Mira, the 4 year old, will want her ears pierced too.

I’m doomed.

Long day

We had Mira’s birthday party and everyone had a great time.

Michele and I cleaned up, I watched the last episode of The Wire, surfed the web a bit, and now it’s time for bed.

I have no energy for a witty entry.


I’m sitting here with Michele listening to Mixmaster Mike’s Spincycle on KROQ. It’s the shit!

OK, to other matters…

Earlier I went with a bunch of guys (including Brad) to Galco’s, the soda pop store with over 300 available sodas. I had seen it on Unwrapped on FoodTV. It’s 15 minutes from work, so we went at lunch.

I ended up buying 4 six-packs of assorted sodas.

Here’s the cherry and black cherry soda pop I got for Michele.

A few old favorites in bottles.
Note the full 12 oz. bottle of Coke, not a pansy 8 oz. bottle like you normally see…

And even more to try.

There’s nothing like soda pop from a bottle. Cans simply can’t compare to the feeling of the bottle. When I was in college we drank out of bottles in the fraternity house. It’s a feeling I won’t forget.