Two week plan

I dropped Michele and the girls off at the airport this morning at 5AM. They arrived safely this afternoon in Cincinnati for a two week visit.
That means that the house will be empty and I will have no responsibilities outside of work for two weeks. This has happened in the past and I have not taken full advantage of the situation. Typically I would work late, grab some fast food on the way home, fall asleep on the couch around 8PM, wake up around midnight, putter around until 2 or 3 in the morning and then sleep. The next day I would be tired from staying up late, so I would fall asleep on the couch around 8PM, etc., etc.
This time I need to give myself a set of goals and make a plan to keep myself busy.
Here’s the rough list of things to do I came up with:


    • Feed fish
    • Eat fruit
    • Check/water plants
    • Dishes/paper/trash

    In the next two weeks

    • Dinner with Mom
    • Remove stump from front yard
    • Put up shelves in the girls room
    • See Zaitoichi, Donnie Darko, Napoleon Dynamite
    • Go shoot my rifle
    • Go see a live band
    • Reprep laptop
    • Plan that blogging thing
    • Sell all that stuff on Ebay
    • Ride my bicycle
    • Try a Mochaberry at Borders
    • Do the hot sauce experiment

What else should I plan to do? Anyone else want to do these things?


20 thoughts on “Two week plan”

  1. i would love to have dinner with your mom and shoot your rifle… not necessarily at the same time, but could do one then the other.

  2. DUDE! Play some freakin’ video games!!!
    Let me get this secnario straight. Doom 3 comes out, you take the wife and kids to the airport, not to return for 2 weeks and you are talking about digging up a stump!
    I’m dissapointed. =)

  3. I’d like to shoot your rifle at the tree stump while drinking a Mochaberry and riding your bike after dinner with your mom.

  4. I, too, am home alone for a week. My goals are to keep the dogs alive and beat Doom 3. I’ll probably also be watching a lot of westerns and cartoons that Kim doesn’t like.

  5. Dude, I don’t know about you but I’m shootin’ my rifle pretty much every day – no need to put that one on the to-do list.

  6. Let’s see.
    I’m going to see a live band on Monday. I’ll try a Mochaberry on the 15th at Borders Hollywood because Wil is having a book signing there (2pm). I’ll do the “hot sauce experiment” as long as I don’t have to eat any. I’ll pass on the stump thing, but I wouldn’t mind shooting your rifle while riding your bike. I’ll even blog about it after! Hah!

  7. Please put this at the top of your list!
    Fix your mom’s de-spamming whatsyoucallit thingy.
    It’s not working. Just since this afternoon 16 Spam comments were posted. The thing is not working.
    By the time i get going tomorrow i think it will be doubled. Help! Your Mother needs you.
    If you can’t do it, please call your brother and persuade him to do it.
    But please boys, don’t either of you call here too early.
    I see it is now 3:00AM!

  8. Oh yes. Guns are bad. Don’t shoot guns. Guns kill people. I didn’t know you had a rifle. Rifles are dangerous. If you have to shoot guns, don’t keep them at home. How come I have to learn this by looking at your blog. What else haven’t you told me?

  9. Actually it depends on the gun. I had a gun once that had no interest in killing people. At night when I was asleep it went out and planted flowers in my front yard.

  10. I want to see both Donnie Darko and Napoleon Dynamite, and have yet to find the time to do either. And this weekend doesn’t look very good as far as free time goes. But if you want some company for either one next weekend, I’m totally up for it.

  11. Mother,
    I have told you I have a rifle. We even discussed that it is part of my cultural heritage as a RUSSIAN bolt action rifle.
    This is not news to you.
    Second, did you or did you not BUY A GUN yourself and give it to Dad as a present? Do you not still have that gun in your house?
    Your loving son

  12. Michael
    I don’t remember you telling me that you had a gun.
    Well, maybe there is a sliver of a memory.
    You probably told me when I was really
    thinking about something else.
    Maybe I blocked it out because
    the thought was just too terrible to retain.
    About the gun I bought for your father 40 years ago.
    It was a different time. I was a kid.
    I didn’t understand the ramifications.
    If it’s still here, I don’t know where it is.
    I forgot we had it.
    I don’t think we have any bullets.
    Some day I will tell you why your grandfather
    left his gun in Russia
    and never owned another one.
    When your father gets home,
    I am going to tell him to find the gun.
    And, have it melted down or crushed.
    Unless, of course, we can train it
    to plant flowers like Squigly’s.

  13. Michael,
    You mother writes to you in blank verse. That’s really beautiful and makes me miss my mom.
    And she’s right. Melt the gun. (Hey, an XTC reference.)

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