Cargo Magazine

You know you’ve been looking at the cover, wondering what’s inside.
You think, “I kinda want to buy it, but if I do, what will others think?” Aren’t these ‘lifestyle’ magazines for women? Cosmo, Vogue, Glamour, etc. The list of magazines like this goes on and on, full of tampon ads, stinky perfume, quizes, and makeup tips. I can’t go there, can I?
There are men’s magazines like Maxim, FHM, and Playboy, but they aren’t really the kind of thing that you can read at the kitchen table while the kids eat breakfast. GQ is a good magazine, but no geek I know wants the clothes and other stupid crap they advertise. GQ’s idea of new technology is a digital watch.
At a glance, Cargo looks very appealing. But for a man to pick up a copy almost seems effeminate in some way. Would buying a ‘lifestyle’ magazine for men without nude photos make me less manly?
Men, I’m happy to report that it’s OK. I’ll be the first to admit that I picked up a copy of Cargo Magazine.

I too had looked at the cover longingly while waiting in the checkout line, wondering what could be inside. I mean, really, how interesting could it be to me? Anything in print must be way out of date to a person like me that mainlines the net about 18 hours per day.
Well, today I’m here to tell you that the Cargo magazine is all good. Nice little snippets of info. Plenty of stuff I hadn’t seen before and I haven’t even read the whole thing yet.
Yes, Cargo is the magazine for the mature geek. With a range of topics from six pages on MP3 players to razor burn lotion to booze, the magazine is tasty.
I give you all permission to go out a buy a copy, you know you want to…
If anyone asks you can always say, “Yeah, Mike said to go check it out, I wasn’t going to until he recommended it.”


    7 thoughts on “Cargo Magazine”

    1. I saw an article in Maxim about “How to get rid of a body”. And I was thinking, “who doesn’t know that?!” We were taught how to get rid of bodies before we were taught fractions.
      Of course, I went to school in Jersey.

    2. Maxim and Stuff and FHM are all pretty boring these days. Same stock poses on the models, same college humor. The gadgets were worth looking at, but recently they had skateboards reviewed by a BMX bike racing dude. “Hey – one extreme sport is the same as the next, right?” Meh. All of my subscriptions have lapsed or are in the process of doing so. I never really worried about reading them or leaving them around the house (my daughter is 2…) I suppose I’ll have to be more careful with my copies of Playboy.
      I saw Cargo in Borders the other day and considered it. I’ll pick up a test-copy on your recommendation next time I’m there. It better be good…

    3. I recieved a pre-release advertisement for Cargo and just like you I had some initial trepidation but after some more investigation thought favorably about it and email a few like minded friends about it. A couple months later I was on one of those rockstar weeks (7-airports-in-7-days)… after exhausting most of the newly released literature from that week I picked up a copy Cargo to get me thru my final flight and gave it a whirl. I found it entertaining and pretty spot on with its info. If I had to be critical I’d say the info is a bit pedestrian… if you are a pro-sumer and/or pro in any of the fields that they discuss you will have likely beeen aware of their content for months or its too far below your level to be of any use.

    4. June and I looked at it and realized that we were too old for their target demo…
      I feel like the old Mike Myers character, Middle-Aged Man. I can sweat copper pipe and I already know how escrow works…

    5. My girlfriend subscribes to Lucky, another Conde Nast publication that bills itself as “the magazine about shopping.” Cargo is really just Lucky for Men.
      The magazine for men who want to spend their money.
      I don’t know I would necessarily call it effeminate – though I may be a bit biased, considering I have a subscription… 🙂

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